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LILITH sat writing a letter to Katniss and Peeta. She had been communicating with them for the last two years. She finished and sealed the envelope.

She walked out of her home and into the backyard. Johanna laughed as Jackson played with a small child. Jackson tickled the small boy and he giggled uncontrollably.

"Stop. Stop," he cried happily.

"Jacks don't torture my son," Lilith said taking the blonde boy from his arms.

"It's not torture," Jackson replied.

"It is," Johanna called. She was lounging on a chair a magazine in front of her.

"Mommy, I found this," the boy took a picture from his pocket.

"What is it, Nick?" Lilith took it from him. A picture of her standing with Finnick, Johanna and Jackson. All four had smiles on their faces after Jackson had told a blunt joke. She sighed and Nick looked up at his mother curiously.

"Is that dad?" He stood on his toes and pointed at Finnick.

"Yeah, that's him."

"Am I like him?"

"You are just like him. You're both brave and caring. And you'll grow up and be just as handsome," Lilith said causing him to giggle, "Come on, it's getting dark. Go wash up for dinner."

Nick ran back into the house and Jackson and Johanna crowed around her to stare at the picture.

"We were so young. And naive," Johanna whispered.

"Everything was simpler back then," Jackson agreed.

"I miss him," Lilith admitted.

"Me too," Jackson hugged her and she wiped the tears that had run down her face. She kissed his cheek and retreated inside. She entered her room and sat on the bed. She stared down at the picture.

"I really wish you here," she whispered. She placed a kiss on his face and set the picture in a draw before fixing her face and walking back downstairs to her family.

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