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THE three walked past wanted posters and Lilith felt sick at Finnick's face plastered bravely on the wall, her own headshot beside it. An announcement rang out around the square as they joined in with the thousands of Capitol residents, moving towards the President's home.

Lilith kept her head down as she passed some Peacekeepers but swallowed thickly as she saw a girl looking straight at her and Katniss. They were coming upon the mansion and saw Peacekeepers making everyone remove their hoods.

"Fuck," Lilith whispered. They there turned around and retreated back into the crowd, only to stop short as they saw another coming their way. They turned once more and continued towards the row of officers.

Lilith pulled a knife and readied it by her side. A loud explosion racked through the city and the building beside them crumbled. Shots were fired and they ducked.

"Rebels!" People screamed wildly. Lilith turned to see a group of rebels firing at the Peacekeepers. Another explosion rang out and rumble was thrown in every direction.

She heard a child scream and looked up to see the little girl from before standing over her dead mother.

"Come on!" Gale yelled. The three ran forward to find some cover. Gale took one of the peacekeeper's guns and they continued. Buildings exploded behind them and people screamed in fear.

Gale tucked them behind a truck before it was hit by something and they fell to the ground. The truck flipped over right at Lilith's feet, the back on fire.

"Gale?" Katniss questioned. She looked up and saw him being dragged away by Peacekeepers. She took her bow and positioned an arrow.

"Shoot me!" Gale screamed. Katniss hesitated before another building was set on fire.

"Come on," Lilith pulled them towards the burning truck.

Katniss breathed heavily.

"We have a chance we need to go," Lilith said. They ran towards the clamouring people at the gates of the mansion.

Katniss climbed upon a nearby truck and looked over the crowd.

"Children will be received first," The monotonous voice drawled. Peacekeepers started to take children from their mothers, "Bring your children forward. The gates will open monetarily."

"Katniss," Lilith voiced tapping her. Katniss looked down at her and she pointed upwards. A helicarrier flew overhead, dropping little parachutes. The packages beeped like it did in the arena and people reached upwards to get them.

As one reached the tips of a person's fingers it exploded setting off all the others. Lilith was blown back, dust encompassing her.

Her head pounded as she stood to face the chaos that had erupted around her.

"Medic!" A man yelled, holding a child. People ran forward to help.

"Prim!" Katniss yelled, "Primrose?"

Prim looked up to her sister before a blast knocked them back once more.

Lilith's head spun as her vision went dark.


Lilith awoke in a room. She glanced around breathing heavily until a hand rested on her shoulder.

"Hey it's okay," Jackson said, "You're safe."

"Jack?" Lilith's eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

"I know," Jackson took a seat on the bed and hugged her.

"He's gone," she cried into his shoulder. Jackson patted her hair soothingly, allowing her to cry into his shoulder.

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