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THE group had used the Holo to get to where they needed to go and then descended down into the old train tunnels. A train engine roared above them as it passed and Castor descended the ladder last.

"My brother knows these tunnels really well. He works sanitation down here, right after they made him an Avox." They glanced at the mute man who had started to walk slowly.

The group followed after him. Castor approached his brother, "Hey, hey you're gonna be ok. Look at me. We're going to get through this. I promise."

The two reminded Lilith of her and Jackson. But less affectionate. She remembered, just before her games, she had gone into a complete panic.

"I'm going to die in there. Like Nina and Jacob," Lilith panicked.

"Don't be ridiculous," Jackson replied not looking up from his magazine. They had just finished having breakfast with Isaac and Elsa and they had left the room.

"I'm serious. I have no chance against the careers," Lilith said. Jackson sighed and put his magazine down. He rounded the table, over to her and awkwardly hugged her, "What are you doing?"

"I don't know. Mom says it's a way to comfort people."

"Well stop doing it."

Jackson parted from her, "You will be fine. You've got the highest score and you're smart."

"Well, I know that."

"Listen, I had a mantra when I went into the games and now I'm passing it to you. It's a family heirloom," he joked causing her to roll her eyes.

"Get on with it."

"Blood must have blood. You get hurt, hurt 'em back, you get killed... walk it off," Jackson said.

"You stole that from a movie didn't you?" Lilith asked.

"Just the second bit. I thought it was funny and was waiting for the right time to use it," he shrugged and went back to his magazine. Oddly enough, Lilith felt much more confident in herself and she knew she would win.

Lilith shook the memory from her mind as they started to walk once more. The Holo beeped consistently before the sound of an oncoming train echoed through the dimly lit tunnel. They ran for cover as it shot past them.

Katniss shook her head, "We're too exposed here." Pollux motioned for them to follow him. They moved across the tunnel and he opened a door. They went inside and Lilith's nose scrunched as they descended yet another ladder.

They dropped into the sewers and Katniss scanned for pods.

"Looks clear."

They walked for what it seemed like ages before a pipe burst in the tunnel they were in. It caused them all to duck for cover as it sprayed mist everywhere.

"Everybody ok?" Jackson called from the back.

"Besides having a heart attack, yes," Lilith muttered as she stood.

"Yeah," Katniss replied. They cautiously walked some more until the water on the ground started to get higher. Lilith waded through it and tried not to think about what the substance could possibly be.

Eventually, it dipped lower and they saw a small opening in the wall with dim lighting, it lead into a cavern of sorts.

"All right everybody let's stop here and get some rest alright," Jackson ordered. Lilith stepped into the space as the woman spoke, "I'll take first watch."

"Hey Peeta, you tuck in there," Finnick told him.

"All right settle in everybody," Jackson said. Lilith sat and leaned her head against the railing.

"Are you alright, my love? You look a bit pale," Finnick whispered.

"I don't know," Lilith sighed, closing her eyes. Finnick took her hand in his and pressed a kiss to it causing her to smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too," she shifted and rest her head in his lap. His fingers automatically weaved into her hair and she exhaled in content.

Katniss and Gale watched them quietly, "They're in their own little world," he muttered.

"I know."

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