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FROM, the sand Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Jackson, and Beetee watched the couple in the water. Johanna put an arrow in Katniss' quiver causing her to jump. "They're so cute it's sickening," Johanna said taking a seat beside the other girl.

"Love is weird," Jackson stated.

"You said you loved me yesterday?" Johanna replied confused.

"I know. But my love for you seems like child play in the shadow of theirs," he motioned over to them.

"Well I love you too," she kissed him lightly.

"I mean who wouldn't," Jackson shrugged causing her to chuckle. He wrapped his arm around her as Beetee spoke up.

"I have a plan."

They looked over at him, "Finnick! Lilith! Stop making out and get over here!" Johanna shouted.

From her place, Lilith sighed, "We better go Mr. Odair."

"Yes we should Mrs. Odair," He helped her up and they walked towards the group.

"Where do the careers feel the safest? The jungle?"

"The jungle's a nightmare," Johanna said.

"Probably here on the beach," Peeta guessed.

"Then why are they not here?" Beetee asked.

"Because we are. We claimed it," Lilith replied.

"And if we left they would come."

"Or stay hidden in the treeline," Finnick countered.

"Which, in just over four hours will be soaked in water from the 10:00 wave. And what happens at midnight?"

"Lightning strikes that tree," Katniss answered.

"Here's what I propose. We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lightning tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight we then use this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or the damp sand will be electrocuted."

"How do we know the wire's not gonna burn up?" Jackson asked.

"Because I invented it. I assure you it won't burn up." Lilith looked at Finnick, who looked at Johanna, who looked at Jackson. They all silently contemplated the plan and then they looked to Lilith.

"Well, it's better than hunting them down. Although Jack and I do like a good killing spree," Lilith smirked.

"Yeah, why not?" Katniss said, "If it fails no harm done anyway, right?"

"All right, I say we try it," Peeta agreed, "So what can we do to help?"

"Keep me alive for the next six hours. That would be extremely helpful."

They all relaxed on the beach for a while and once again Lilith floated, in the water, on her back. Finnick stood a little away from her practicing with his trident and Jackson, Johanna and Beetee were sat on the sand talking. Peeta and Katniss looked at them.

Lilith felt herself be calm on the water despite almost being killed by it only a few hours before. The group called her and Finnick over and she stood up and walked over to them. They started their trek into the jungle.

Lilith walked beside Johanna and Jackson and Finnick walked behind them. She was aware of her surroundings and was ready to reach for her katanas. The anthem played in the sky and the dead tributes were shown. She rubbed Finnick's arm as Mags was shown and he smiled tightly at her.

The anthem ended and they continued walking to the tree.

When they arrived, Beetee looked at it carefully, "Minimal charring. It's an impressive conductor. Let's get started."

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