Finals, Period 1

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I took a deep breath and exited the lockeroom with Leo by my side.

The crowd was packed, and loud... very loud.

Somewhere in the blob of people I spotted Leah who had managed to find CJ and Ella.

"That CJ?" Leo asked slapping my side and pointing towards him.

I shook my head and adjusted my helmet, the nerves of the game really getting to me. We had already warmed up and gone over the game plan, all we needed to do now was have our names announced and do the national anthem.

"You know he's does not look like what I imagined." Leo said with a joking tone.

Leo could fake it all he wanted, but you could here the nervousness in his voice. He was, after all, the youngest person on the ice, he would be an easy target.

I just snorted and shook my head before looking at Leo through his helmet cage.

His blue eyes were staring at me, you could see the worry behind them if you looked long enough. His blond hair covered by his helmet expect for the little tuff of it sticking out the back.

"Here we go boys." Jack said walking past everyone and opening the ice door.

I slapped Leo on the back and turned towards the ice.

Oh its game time baby.

"And now, Rogersville its time to officially start our game! To let's give a warm welcome to your Rogersville Hawks!" The annoncer started.

The crowd cheered loudly, some people banging on the glass.

"You're starting line up for today's division finals begins with your beloved center, captain Jack MacGyver!"

Jack skated out up to the line and stopped raising his stick.

"Next we have junior Cole Plosaski on right wing and senior Mark Davis on left!"

Both Mark and Cole skated out in unison before stopping next to Jack.

I looked at Leo next to me and patted him on the back.

"And your defensive men for Rogersville Hawks are senior Wesley Crusher and sophomore Leo Huxley!"

Both me and Leo stepped onto the ice and skated forward our feet in sync as we stopped on the blue line. I held out my fist toward Leo and he fist bumped it.

I smiled down at the kid as he looked at me, a toothy smile that was wide enough to create dimples was plastered on his face.

"And now your goalie for the night number 39! Senior Carter Pratt!"

Carter skated forward as much as he could before the rest of the team skated onto the ice.

"Now for the visiting team the Bellevue Trojans!"

I watched as the other teams starting line up skated out. I eyed Randy like I was playing a game of where Waldo.

"Leo, let me take care of 35 tonight, alright? Stay away from him."

He raised his eyebrow slightly confused before it clicked.



Leo nodded his head and shifted his gaze to the flag just above score board.

"Please rise for our national anthem." Was all I heard.

In this moment my Adrenalin really started to pump, my mind went blank as I could feel my heart beat speed up.

Somehow out of instinct I knew to lift my stick and smack it down just as the song was ending. I couldn't hear it end but somehow I just knew.

The Hockey Players Sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن