I Will Lose This

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I sat on Leah's floor and threw a piece of crumpled up paper at her.

"Hey!" She shouted before throwing the paper back at me.

I smirked and began crumbling up another piece. So far I had been at Leah's house for over an hour and no work had been done.

"Wesley don't you dare throw that paper." Leah said glaring at me from behind her computer.

"Oh so I'm Wesley now." I joked throwing the paper at her.

She caught it before it hit her face and looked at me, her face trying to say she was getting frustrated, but her eyes were gleaming with delight.

"Come on Wes we just have to finish this part of the business plan and we'll be over half way done. Alight, who's are target market?"

I huffed out a sigh and laid back on Leah's floor. Looking up at her white ceiling.

"Well, we own a book store... so people who like to read."

"Very specific Wes." She laughed.

I let out a deep chuckle and sat up from the floor to look at Leah. She sat on her bed criss-cross with her laptop in her lap. She had on a nice blue sweater and leggings that complimented her eyes. Leah stopped laughing for a second and brushed her blonde pony tail over her shoulder.

"What?" She questioned a smile still on her face.

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing, just thinking that it's nice to not have you hate me anymore."

Everything had flipped sense Leah let me stay the night at her house. We didn't talk about it, but Leah's entire personality changed after that.

"I'm still curious..." Leah said sighing.

I watched and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I have trouble trusting people, especially when I have reasons not not trust them. Leo made a good point to me awhile back and after the other night I guess I finally decided to listen to it. Plus you were right, in the weight room. You don't know my past either, I'm just being a hypocrite." She looked at me with a sad smile.

I looked at her, reading her face. The room was silent, but not uncomfortable.

"You get anymore calls?" I asked quietly.

Leah shook her head and looked over at a plaque on her wall that read

"4 time All Around Michigan State Champion."
Before looking back at me.

"No. Your dad?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I've avoided him."

Truth was he wasn't always the worst. When I didn't speak to him at least, then he could be avoidable.

Leah nodded her head and and set her computer aside.

"You ready for the game tonight?" She questioned standing up from her bed.

I raised my eyebrows slightly. Was I ready for the game? Hell yeah. Was I ready for the before and after part of the game? No.

Coach had kindly informed me after practice that our rink was also hosting two other games that night. Including Randy's new team, we were bound to see each other and even the sight of him would get under my skin.

"Yeah I'm stoked." I replied keeping all my real thoughts to myself.

Leah raised an eyebrow realizing there was more going on in my head and she was right. But now wasn't the time to mention what may or may not be going down in the lobby tonight.

The question still sat in my head. Did I want one more shot at Randy? If I punched him again I would have to be done with hockey for good. Something deep inside of me told me I should.

I looked at Leah with a small smile. Because we weren't playing Randy's team whatever will go down will happen in a parkinglot or the lobby. Either way none of the team will speak to me afterwards, including Leah.

"Do you want to see what I'm wearing?" Leah spoke up excitedly walking over to her dresser, "coach is letting me sit on the bench, so I thought I would look nice."

I looked at Leah amused waved my hand as if to say "show me",

"Amuse me." I stated with a slight chuckle.

If I went after Randy I would lose this. The trust that I somehow gained in the last few days. But CJ and Ella, what about pay back for them? Pay back for making me move?

I shook the thoughts out of my head trying to stay present in the moment.

Leah revealed a hawks jersey from her dresser with "Huxley" and the number "40" on the back just like Leo's.

"Nice, but that's Leo's number." I stated pointing out that she didn't change it.

"Its also Leo's old jersey." She said with a laugh.

"If you were to pick your own number what would it be?" I questioned standing up

"Oh thats easy 04, it would confuse the hell out of the refs with both me and Leo on the ice." Leah said with a chuckle, well folding up the jersey.

I walked over to her and stood behind her looking at the top of her dresser.

It was decorated with many pictures just like her mirror. She had a few of her in hockey gear, her smile showing threw her helmet. She also had a few of her in gymnastics, I noted that as she got older in the photos the less genuine her smile became.

"What about you? Why 9?" Leah asked forcing me to stop looking at the pictures.

Though she wasn't awfully short I still had to look down at her. With a small smile I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Gordy Howe. I told you I'm a Red Wings fan." I stated.

Leah rolled her eyes but then continued looking at me.

"Hey, we aren't gonna get anymore work done. Why don't you go home and change for the game, get to the rink early and scope out this year's competition." She said with a smile, lightly nudging me in the shoulder.

I shook my head slightly, thoughts flooding back into my mind.

"Yeah, I'll do that. See you tonight Leah." I waved and left her room as a thought came into my head.

The Bellevue Trojans (Randy's team) were my teams biggest competition.

Rivals. As Jack so kindly put it.

Leah, might look like an easy target to Randy.

Oh God.

I turned around and looked at Leah's house, I know the team would have her back. But I... I made the decision right then and there. I would rather loose my hockey career protecting Leah from Randy then let him beat her.

She's already had her hell with whatever she went through in gymnastics, she doesn't need my back story hurting her as well.

Words: 1145

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