How Would You Know!?

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*Leah's P.O.V*

"You're cheeks are still red Missy." Wes said as we pulled into my driveway.

I still hadn't stopped blushing from the kiss.

"I'm just cold." I lied, but my voice was very convincing.

"The heat has been on high this entire car ride." Wes replied with a smirk. Giving me the smug look.

"Then I'm just hot." I stated in defeat.

Wes just chuckled as he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. Me doing the same.

"I wondering what Leo got on his little shopping trip." Wes joked.

I laughed a little, but the joy was short lived as Leo stormed out of the house in furry straight towards Wes.

He walked with a detrimation that couldn't be good, his blue eyes almost looking black with furry, he shoved Wes into the hood of my car holding him down by his chest.

"What the hell man-" Wes stated.

He was a lot stronger than Leo but chose not to fight and instead let Leo pin him.

"Leo what are you doing!" I shouted taking a step forward.

"When I said have fun, I meant watch a movie, kiss my sister or go to an ice rink not taking to where she was fucking abused!" Leo shouted in Wes's face his anger on levels I had never seen before.

His fist were clutched and his jaw line was sharp from the tension in his face.

"Your a total Jack ass Wes for doing that, because you have no idea the levels of fucked up you'll be after it done with you, and if I so much as hear that she got anywhere near Brad you'll be done for. Do you understand me!?" Leo finished the last part and shoved his arm harder into Wes's chest still pinning him to the hood of the car.

I took a step forward to talk to Leo but Wes put up a hand telling me to back away.

"How did you even find out we went?" Wes questioned calmly, his voice breathy from the pressure on his chest.

"Are cards are linked dumb ass I saw the gym membership charge come through. You know I trusted you, and this is how you return that? If you're just going to fuck around with my sister and get her all messed up again then I'm going to mess you up just as bad as she was too, then maybe you'll get a hint." Leo Stated forcefully.

Wes actually looked alittle worried at that last part but kept his cool. He placed a hand on Leo's arm that was in his chest and calmly spoke.

"Alright kid, I need you to take a deep breath and take your arm off of me its starting to bruise. And I need you to calm down, because your sister wanted to go so I took her, just so she wouldn't go alone." Wes said.

That was technically a lie, Wes came up with the idea to go but Leo didn't need to know that. He also didn't need to know about coach Maddies visit the other day either.

Leo turned around and looked at me, he stood up letting Wes go and stepped towards me.

"Are you fucking delusional?" He asked in a tone that honestly scared me.

I always thought of Leo like my younger brother but now he felt like an older one. Or even maybe my dad.

"I'm sorry?" I replied confused.

"To want to go back? To go back? Incase you don't remember Leah, he hit you, he starved you, that man even gave you and asthma attack and did nothing about it. He was willing to let you die for that sport, and you just went back?" Leo said furiously.

I looked at Leo in shock, I understood why he was being defensive but he could also ask my side of the story first about what happened when we went back.

"How would you know about any of those things?" I said emotionless, "its not like you ever went to a practice. You never saw it happen."

Leo's face faltered as he looked at me but I kept mine emotionless, a skill I'd obtained over the years. Wes looked shocked to hear us talk to each item like this.

We rarely fought, but when we did it was always over gymnastics.

"You weren't there today Leo so how do you know what happened?" I said again.

I paused and studied his face.

Bingo, I'd won this fight.

"Thats right you don't." I finished pushing past him I walked to Wes who was just stunned.

"I think I should go home, let you two sort this out." Wes whispered.

I nodded my head and crossed my arms, for comfort not attitude.

"Thats fine I'll see you in class." I said

Wes shook his head, and leaned down kissing my cheek causing me to blush all over again.



Wes walked down the driveway towards his house and I walked inside, passing Leo without saying a word.

Leo trailed behind me, anger gone from his face. Instead he looked drained.

He sat on a bar stood at the kitchen counter, and I went to grab a drink from the fridge.

"Are you ready to listen?" I questioned looking at Leo.

He had always looked like a splitting image of me, but now more than normal. He was definitely growing up.

He shook his head his blonde mop or hair bounce up and down as he did.

I took a deep breath and began retelling my day. Avoiding the part about coach Maddie.


"YOU TWO KISSED!?" Leo shouted as I got to that part in the story.

He was over the whole gymnastics thing once I told him I wasn't going back.

"Its not that big of a deal." I said with a shrug trying to play it off.

"Oh me and Jack so called it. Carter owes me 20 bucks." Leo said standing up from the bar stool.

I opened my mouth up I shock.

"You bet on us!?" I questioned circling I counter to face him

"What? It was an easy 20 bucks." Leo said with a devilish smirk.

"Oh you little!"

Leo seemed to read my mind as I lundged towards him and he sprinted upstairs to his room.

I let out a loud laugh. Everything in my life seemed to be going good for once.


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