I'll Be there Bud, don't you worry

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

"I told you, you liked her!" CJ yelled over speaker phone.

I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and glared at my phone on my bed.

"Told me?" I said with some sass.

"Come on I said from the very beginning... oh you are such a simp about this I'm dead!"

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my math binder in my bag.

"How's Ella?" I asked.

"Don't you dare change the subject Wesley's." CJ said dying of laughter, "but, no. She's good. We're coming to your championship finals game."

I raised my eyes brows in shock and stood up straight, observing my room before speaking.

"Were playing Randy's team In the championship, you want to come?" I leaned on my bed looking at the phone.

I had to leave for school, but it felt more important to finish this conversation.

"He'll be on the ice and I'll be in the stands, there's nothing to worry about. I want to see your home rink and I want to meet Leah."

I nodded my head excepting his logic.

"You've already met Leah, on that face time!" I exclaimed realizing some of his logic was flawed.

"Yeah but I haven't met her in person!" CJ defended, "I'll be there bud, don't you worry. Nothing you say will stop me."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my back pack.

"I got to go to school CJ. Keep texting me and I'll see you in two weeks." I said happy to say those words.

"Alright, I'll text you. See you soon." And with that he hung up the phone and picked up my bag.

My dad was out for work, currently looking to end his job and find a new one, locally.

He had gotten more bearable with his search for a new job, but that didn't change his anger issues.

Exiting my house I drove to school parking in my normal spot by Jack. Carter, and Leah.

I got out of my car and listened to the conversation Jack, Carter, Leah, and Leo were having.

"Come on Elastigirl cut me some slack! I think it looks good!" Jack said pointing to his sweatshirt.

The same one I was currently wearing, a Rogersville hockey sweatshirt...the new one.

"Its the same color as last year, you could have changed it up." Leah defended.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the group a smile planted on my face.

I stood next to Leah, close but not too close unaware of who knew and who didn't know we were officially together. It was easier that way for the both of us, especially with Randy.

Leah could take care of herself, but I didn't want her to have to deal with him.

She smiled at me and looked at my sweatshirt, it had my last name and number on the back.

"That will be mine in no time." She whispered as Jack and Carter continued to bicker.

Leo raised him eye brow at us but chose not to intrude. He obviously new.

"Really? See if you can take it." I whispered back.

Leah raised an eyebrow with a smirk opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Carter.

"Wes, you're wearing the sweatshirt, what do you think about it?" Carter asked.

"You think it would be better on me." Leah whispered just loud enough that only I could hear it.

"No, I think It would be better on my bedroom floor." I responded quietly.

I opened my eyes wide after I said it, it came out with absolutely no filter and caused Leah to blush.

"What did you say?" Jack asked, not hearing what I whispered to Leah... thankfully.

"I, um said that I like it. I mean I've never had a Rogersville Hawks jersey so I'm kind of partial sense this is my first one." I replied with a shrug.

All around us people began making their way into school, us slowly walking towards the doors as well.

"See Wes likes it!" Jack defends.

"Only because its his first sweatshirt." Leo replied.

Jack just rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"Fine next year I'll make the sweatshirt blue."

"Our colors are black, red, and white." Carter exclaimed

"Oh fuck off." Jack said in a defeated tone.

He walked away just to make a statement not because he was made. Carter following him as they went to their lockers. I on the other hand followed Leah to her locker.

"So I have some fun news." I said leaning against the locker next to leahs.

"Oh me too!" Leah exclaimed putting her bag in her locker.

"CJ and Ella are driving down for the finals game." I said, unsure how I felt about it. I had mixed feelings

I would love to have CJ and Ella there but with Randy it made me alittle nervous. Granted I have been dealing with him for years now.

"Fun! I can't wait to see them and finally meet Ella." Leah said, "now my news, I got us some ice time that I thought we could just skate on not actually play."

"Fun." I said nodding my head, I was always down to skate.

"But, I didn't realize it was the day before your championship or finals or whatever... and you probably don't want to waist your energy and skate the day before so I need to know which date to change It to."

I shook my head as I pretended to think.

"Don't change the date... if it's just light skating I'll be fine. Thanks for doing that, I know it will be fun." I said with a genuine smile.

Leah smiled back and shook her head.

"I can't wait."

"Me neither."

Words: 961

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