24 Hours and all Hell Breaks Loose

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*No Ones P.O.V*

Leah slammed her car door and looked at Wes, who's hockey bag was slung over his shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to do this, I mean your game is tomorrow and I don't want to tire you out." Leah stated adjusting her hockey bag on her shoulder.

Wes shrugged and looked at the rink.

"Calm down Leah, I'll be fine."

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Its ok to say no, you know."

"Yeah but you're scary when you're told no." Wes said with a smirk, using the top of his stick to lift Leah's chin up he took a step forward.

She scuffed and swatted the stick away letting out a small laugh.

"Alright, fine let's go."

Wes watched as Leah walked into the rink, her long pulled back into a low ponytail and her curves hidden under her sweats and Wes's hockey sweatshirt. She'd been right about that one, she did in the end get the sweatshirt.

Inside the rink they both changed quickly, eager to get on the ice and spend some time skating together.

Leah had tried to let the boys rest with the game tomorrow and she would skate by herself, but after awhile it did get lonely.

Stepping onto the ice she glided forward slightly taking in a deep breath before turning around to face Wes.

His dark brown hair hidden under his helmet and his posture relaxing the second he stepped on the ice.

"Hard to believe that tomorrow around this time the big game will be going on."

Leah snorted and looked at the rink, it was all cleaned up and pretty ready to host the hoards of people coming in for the game.

"Yup, just 24 hours and all hell breaks lose."

Wes juggled the puck with his stick passing it to Leah, she raised and eyebrow and looked at him.

"I really don't want to over work you before the game tomorrow." She said feeling slightly guilty about them skating.

Wes bent down into his ready position and cocked his head.

"Try me mystery girl."

And with that comment Leah skated forward with the puck, Wes jumping into defense in front of her.

Leah faked him out and skated quickly around Wes before turning around with a smirk.

"Not quick enough." She stated scooping up the puck with her stick.

"Oh baby no one faster than you and you know it." Wes said just shaking his head.

His words were true, they always were when it came to Leah playing hockey. She probably could be one of the best in the league if she really played, probably have a few college scholarships too.

Leah shrugged her shoulders and dropped the puck back onto the ice.

"Where will you be sitting tomorrow?"Wes asked keeping the conversation going

They had spent so much time together the last few weeks between finally being a couple and finishing the project they both felt like they had run out of things to say. They just enjoyed each others presence.

Leah skated over to the boards and slapped her stick on the glass.

"Right there 7 rows up, its the best view you can get when you're not on the bench."

Wes nodded and skated up next to Leah. Looking her up and down just like he did the first time he saw her in this exact rink.

She looked extremely buff with the pads on, and held a confidence that was unmatched. She wasn't just a hockey players sister, she was a hockey player.

If only she'd see that too.

Leah let out a hesitant smile noticing Wes staring at her.

"What?" She asked with a small chuckle behind her words.

"Nothing," Wes said keeping his words to himself, everyone had been asking her if she was going to play hockey enough. "Just wondering if you want to ditch the ice, go home and watch the Griffins game?"

Leah smirked slightly and took off her helmet.

"I payed a lot of money for this ice time." She said jokingly causing Wes to roll his eyes.

"We both know you payed splot for this ice time." Wes said

Leah laughed and skated closer to Wes

"True, but I did pay money for the take out being delivered to my house in 10 minutes."

Wes face lit up at the mention of food making Leah laugh.

"Take out!?" He practically shouted like a little kid.

Leah shook her head and started to glide off the ice, pushing herself forward with one foot.

"What did you get? Chinese? Pasta? Burgers?" Wed questioned skated towards Leah.

"Guess that's for you to find out." Leah said as she stepped off the ice shutting the door behind her leaving Wes alone on the ice.

As she disappeared off into the lockeroom Wes turned around and looked at the rink in front of him.

Home rink.

Was all he could think about as he looked at it.

Then he thought.

24 hours till hell breaks lose, had now turned into 22 hours.

The clock was ticking, and his Adrenalin was rushing.

No one was going to beat him on his home rink. No one.

Bellevue Trojans can kiss his ass.

He smirked as he opened the ice door and stepped out.

Swagger and confidence in his walk as he made his way to the lockeroom.

Words: 900

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