Don't Stand Outside in the Cold

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I couldn't keep doing this. It was a mind killer to my day and wrecked my mood. I had already taken shelter at Jacks once but I couldn't keep doing that. I wasn't his issue to deal with.

Of course jack didn't ask any questions when I showed up on his door step nor did I awnser any, which I was thankful for.

"I'm not the only reason we moved here!" I finally rebuttal my voice no louder then a shout.

My head was pounding from the extensive yelling.

"No! But why are we here! What really pushed this move? You did! Because you can't keep your hands to yourself!" He yelled.

I hadn't even made it to the kitchen for dinner when the yelling started. I was still by the front door.

"I can't keep doing this, you can't keep doing this to me!" I said some tears built in my eyes.

When did he really start acting like this? My mom leaving pushed him over an edge. But never enough that he yelled or swore at me. The move must have finally done it.

"You did this to yourself Wesley!"

"No! I didn't you are the one doing this to me! Everyday! I can't keep coming home from practice for you to act like this!"

"Then why did you come home at all?"

I stood there shocked. What the hell? How could I not come home. I had no where else to go, he was my only home left. I had no more CJ who would drop everything for me, who was there at a call. Where else was I to go?

"Get out of this house Wesley and come back when you actually want to be here."

"What?" I questioned my voice was barely a whisper.

"You heard me."

My dad, a splitting image of me, walked around me and opened the front door to the snowy outdoors. I shivered as I was only wearing shorts and a sweatshirt.

Down the street I heard a stick slide acrossed pavement and puck hit metal. Someone was outside shooting pucks, in the snow.

Leah or Leo.


"Dad?" I asked my voice a whisper I didn't want whoever was down the street to hear us.

"You heard me Wesley!" His voice echoing down the street, I cringed.

"Where am I gonna go? Its winter." I said harshly hoping he would come to his senses.

"Somewhere where you feel wanted I guess."

"Dad!" I yelled.

I didn't care if they heard me at this point I was more concerned about where I was going to sleep.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE WESLEY!" He yelled while shoving me in the shoulder.

I stumbled out onto the snow covered porch, thankful I was wearing shoes. I barley had time to turn around before the door slammed.

I looked down the street and made eye contact with Leah. She stood there stick in hand, wearing gloves and a coat. Wide eyed like a dear in head lights.

I turned away from her and looked back at the door.

"Dad! ... Dad!" I yelled pounding on the door before giving up and turning away from the door.

Brushing off snow from the porch step I sat down and put my head in my hands.

Fucking Fantastic.

I heard the crunch of snow as  Leah walked closer to me. Eventually she stood in front of me, stick still in hand.

I kept my head in my hands refusing to look up.

"Go away Huxley I don't have time for your bull shit."

My words were true. This would be a great time for her to mention my move. And I didn't want anymore yelling, I couldn't take it. It was late and cold. I was hungry and my  head had a pounding head ache.

Instead of saying anything to she just sat down next to me placing her hockey stick in the ground. Her legs brushed my as she sat down my body greatful for the heat.

"Please go away Leah." I said my voice cracking a bit I spoke.

Truth was I didn't want her to leave, her body heat was keeping my warm from the cold.  Even her just sitting next to me made all the difference from the snow.

I expected her to say something or get up and walk away but inside she took my face gently in her hands. My stomach flipped alittle bit as she looked at my face.

I couldn't help but let my gaze drift down to her lips for a second before looking back into her eyes. Leah continued scanning my face before asking.

"Did he hit you at all?" Her voice barely a whisper as she kept looking at me fingers running along my jaw.

"No, no he doesn't hit me." I said looking away from her.

I couldn't stop staring at her. Though she was looking at me, it felt wrong. She was checking me for injuries and I... I was just staring. At her.

"What are you going to do?" She asked dropping her hand then looking at my house.

I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"I don't know, wait for him to open the door? Maybe he'll feel bad and let me back in."

Leah put a hand on my thigh making my stomach flip again.

"You're in shorts Wes." She stated her hand pinching the fabric of the shorts in-between her fingers

I scuffed a bit.

"Sense when did you start caring about me?" I questioned alittle roughly. Her hand on my thighs was doing something to me that I couldn't explain. I was trying to play it off by switching around who was asking the questions.

"Sense you were just shoved out into the snow by your dad who was shouting at you." She said her voice staying at the same volume.

I was thankful for that because my head was starting to pound harder. The headache only increasing.

Leah stood up from the steps, leaving me shivering from the sudden lack of body heat. She looked up at the sky to the falling snow before looking down at me.

"Come on, let's get you inside." She said more to herself.

"I'm fine Leah." I stated not needing her pity party.

"I wasn't asking Wes." Though her voice was stern she had a small smirk on her face. "Plus we'll keep the same rules for when we do our project. I don't ask questions about your past you don't ask about gymnastics."

I nodded my head slightly. As long as she didn't yell, I think I would be ok.

Standing up I shoved my hands in my sweatshirt pocket trying to keep warm as I walked side by side with Leah to her house.

Words: 1073

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