Red Flags

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*Leah's P.O.V*

Practice had ended alittle late so I wasn't happy when I was driving both me and Leo home 30 minutes later than usual. On top of that I wasn't really happy about the new guy who had been paired with Leo.


I looked over at him in the passenger side looking at his phone. Normally we rode in the car in silence but today I decided to break that silence.

"How did you like the new guy?" I asked startling Leo.

He looked up from his phone and looked at me taking a moment to process my question.

"Who, Wes?" He asked raising one eyebrow

"Yes Wes you dipshit, who else?" I said rolling my eyes.

Leo half smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I like him. He's from Marquette, and used to play hockey for a team up there. He's a really good defensive player and he's really nice." Leo said honestly his gaze shifting to the road infront of us.

"Do you know why he moved?" I asked remembering that Jack didn't even know why he moved.

I watched as Leo shook his head, something about Wes not saying why he moved sent off red flags in my brain.

"No," Leo awnsered with his head shake, "Jack asked but Wes just said something along the lines of 'he was sick of his old town'"

Now that really sent off red flags in my brain, Wes had some sort of past that he wasn't telling anyone about. You could tell from the moment he entered the rink, he was nervous. My grip on the wheel tightened and Leo took quick notice.

"You dont like him do you?" He asked reading the situation quickly.

I shrugged before replying.

"I dont know Leo, he gives me weird vibes. No one knows why he moved or anything about him, coach is the only person who seems to have any form of information on him." I replied honestly

Leo brushed back his blonde hair with his hand and returned his gaze back towards his phone.

"Well he told me that his favorite color is red, he likes dogs over cats, he likes defensive because he likes to push people around, and that he lives down the street from us." Leo said trying to debate my point I had just made.

I looked over at Leo before returning my eyes to the road.

"Yeah, but did he say why he moved? Talk about his parents? Say what school he went to? What team he played for? Talk about past friends?" I watched as Leo shook his head in defeat, "you talk about those things with you're not hiding something Leo."

This time Leo shrugged his shoulders.

"I think you're just on edge Leah. We both know competition season is starting in gymnastics and you're always stressed this time of year, but this year its just worse because of the whole... well you know."

I pulled into the driveway and looked at Leo sharply.

"This has nothing to do with gymnastics, its just having safe common sense." I stated firmly.

Leo looked me In the eye with pity.

"Maybe, but maybe let lose? Leah everyone can tell you're stressed more so than usual. He's been calling you again hasn't he?"

I looked at Leo, it was hard to lie to my younger brother because somehow he always discovered the truth.

"Calling and texting, Leo its bad." I said my voice cracking slightly.

Competition season for gymnastics was starting soon and this was the first year my old gym would not have me on their team. Their prized possession, THEIR 4 time state champion, THEIR star. My old coach had been trying to reach me non-stop trying to convince me to come back, begging.

I never had worse anxiety then when he called, it triggered somethings deep inside of me pulling out bad memories, almost like a ptsd reaction.

"But me not liking Wes has nothing to do about it, I just have this feeling." I stated quickly trying to cover up my emotions.

Leo lightly smiled at me and opened the car door.

"Well Leah, whether you don't trust him, he irritates you, or makes you mad, you're still going to have to deal with him because he's now practically our neighbor, he's my d-partner, and he goes to our school in your grade."

I took in Leo's words and made a final decision in my head. With this gymnastics issue arising it made me think about all the things I could have done differently before. I was in too deep and couldn't escape before. If I would have listened to the red flags earlier I could have escaped the situation and that was exactly what I was going to do with Wes. Because I realize the red flags right away, I'm not going to ignore them I'll distance myself and push him away, just to avoid getting hurt.

"Oh and his first day if school is tomorrow." Leo stated before entering the house just to annoy me.

"On a Tuesday?" I questioned.

As I entered the house behind Leo ready for a nap and dinner.


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