New Home, New School, New Team

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I drummed my fingers on the center console of the car. I had been sitting in the car for hours and it was starting to get to me. So many questions sat in my head, but I was almost scared to ask them.

My brown eyes shifted over to my dad in the driver's seat. His face stone cold, he wasn't happy about the entire move and I knew it. I was the partial cause for the move, and he didn't want his new job that had also caused us to move.

I sighed, as I prepared myself to ask the question that had been bugging my mind sense we left Marquette.

"Are you driving me to hockey practice tonight, or do I get to take the car?" My voice was deep as I hesitated to ask the question.

I watched as my fathers grip on the steering wheel caused his nuckles to whiten.

"You can take your own ass to hockey now Wesley." He said his voice firm.

I cringed as he said my full name. He hadn't called me Wes sense I got kicked out of the league.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, irritated beyond belief.

"You punched a kid Wesley!" He shouted.

"Randy threatened to hurt Ella! I told you that!" I half shouted,"I wasn't going to let him hurt her after what he had done CJ! You know he was trying to get CJ off of starting line, hurting Ella was the way he was going to do it!"

"See you say that everytime! But here your ass is sitting in this car that's going to a new town because you got kicked out of your league!"

I huffed in annoyance, he was right I was sitting in a car driving to a new town, new house, and a new team.

"Randy got kicked off the team too." I stated softly as I looked back out of the window.

What had happened to me wasn't fair. CJ had been my defensive buddy for as long as I can remember, we were inseparable. Both of us were starting line, and though CJ was good, he still couldn't keep up with me. Randy who wasn't on the starting line, wanted to be bad and was willing to do anything to get CJ kicked off and him on it.

He had hurt, and verbally abused CJ. Of course day after day I stuck up to Randy, blocking a few punches, taking a few all for CJ. Till one day he threated Ella, CJs girlfriend of 3 years. I knew Ella well and couldn't let her get hurt just so Randy could get to CJ.

So the day I found out, I punched Randy. Hard. In front of the team, in front of our coach. He punched back and we fought, Not on the ice, in the lobby of the hockey rink. Randy twisted the story into a hell of a good lie that managed to get us both kicked off of the league.

So here I was going to a new town for a new hockey team in a new league. I wasn't going to tell my new team why I moved mid school year because I don't think anyone would understand, my plan was to keep my past to myself.

The car jolted to a hard stop and my dad roughly pulled the keys out of the ignition.

"We're here, get out and unpack your bags." He said dryly before getting out of the car.

I slowly got out of the car and took in my new surroundings that I would call home. My new house, a decent size was a light grey mixing in with the other houses on the block.

Down the street I noticed a hockey net in the drive way. Several pucks left abandoned inside the net and two sets of sticks propped up against it. Maybe it was a pair of brothers on my new team.

I shrugged my shoulders and entered my house, searching for my hockey bag amongst the many boxes. Upon finding it I headed out the front door ready to meet my new team.

Word count: 708

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