I Know What He's Thinking

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I walked out of the lockeroom my face beaming. The rest of the team followed in suit with Jack leading the pack.

We could probably be heard from a mile away but we didn't care, we just won our first game for fucks sake.

"Hey don't forget were hanging out a Leo's house-" Jack stopped his sentence short as we watched the Bellevue Trojans exit their lockeroom acrossed the lobby.

I watched as Randy stood next to a boy who looked like the captain.

Please don't engage them. I was begging Jack in my mind but before I could vocalize it the other team called out to us.

"Well if it isn't Jack and his U-6 team."

Oh so we were on first name rivalries got it.

Jack walked over to the group, everyone else following in suit.

"What do you want Sam?" Jack questioned venom in his mouth.

"Just wanted to introduce a new teammates of ours who I thought you would love to meet."

I looked at Randy my glare strong. I'd faced him bunch of times, this was nothing new. Except my team new nothing about what had happened before.

"But wait one of your teammates already knows him." Sam said making eye contact with me.

Everyone's gaze shifted towards me but I kept looking at Randy.

"You gonna say something or do I have to knock it out of you?" Sam asked looking at me with a smirk.

I was about to lunge forward before Jack caught my arm. He looked at me with eyes that could kill, I was about to open my mouth before I heard someone shout behind me.

"What the hell is going on?"

I shut my eyes. I knew things wouldn't be to bad without her here, but now she was.

"Leah, how's life?" Sam said with a sour smile.

"Better when you aren't messing with my team." She replied stepping infornt of Jack next to me.

Maybe I puffed out my chest a bit maybe I didn't. Either way I felt bigger trying to protect Leah without making it look like I was protecting her.

Randy raised an eyebrow, noticing, but I kept my face un-faltered.

"How's gymnastics?" Sam asked knowing it would strike a nerve with Leah.

"You know damn well how gymnastics is going." She said her voice cold.

"What was your coach not good enough in bed anymore? Or did you find someone you're age to fuck finally." Sam finished his sentence looking at me.

My face faltered for a moment as I looked at Leah, trying to hide my shock. Was that the reason she quit? She slept with her coach? Everyone said it was unexpected and quick when she quit. She was a 4 time state champ and why would a state champ just quit?

"That's enough Sam." Jack said his voice colder than before, he had jumped into brotherly mode.

"Hey we can only assume things. Can't we Wes?" Randy said taking a step forward reaching out towards me.

I watched as Leah grabbed his wrist tight, stopping him from touching me.

"If you're gonna pick a fight, you're gonna pick it with me." She said looking Randy dead in the eyes.

He chuckled a bit and looked at her.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned looking at Leah amused.

"Leah..." I said my voice low warning her.

"Yeah, stay the fuck away from this team or I'll have something to say about it." I watched as Leah's fingernails dug into Randy's skin as she spoke before letting go.

"I like this one, Wes. Picking girls that can actually fend for themselves I like it."

"Ella was CJs girlfriend." I stated.

I watched as Leahs head whipped to look at me from the mention of CJ.

"They know why you moved here captain Wes?" Randy said emphasizing the captain, "they know why one of the best players on the team and the captain just randomly moves halfway through the year?"

Some faces looked at me slightly surprised to here so much about my past, but thankfully Leah kept staring Randy down.

"Good, you know I can fend for myself." She simply said ignoring Randy's last comment.

"You're not even a little bit curious why he moved?" Randy asked getting close to Leahs face.

My fist clenched to see him that close to her, their lips almost touching.

Leah let out a small smile and took a step towards Randy her blond hair clashing with his red, I could have sworn their lips touched as Leah spoke.

"I'm more curious as to why you moved half way through the season." She said her voice as smooth as butter she smiled lightly before her fave turned cold. Out of no where her smile dropped as she spit in his face.

"Leah!" Leo shouted from behind me.

I quickly grabbed her arm and yanked her back away from Randy, more concerned about what she would do to him than what he would do to her.

"What the hell!" I could hear Sam shout.

I was too busy walking Leah away. My hand on her lower back guiding her towards the door.

"Looks like your girlfriend has the same idea as you, starting fights in the lobby." Randy said coldly behind me. "By the way how's Ella and CJ?"

I stopped in my track, Leah stopping with me as well. I bit my tongue and squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them I looked at Leah, with a small smile.

"Will there be drinks at your house?" I asked keeping my voice as calm as possible.

I wanted to show Randy that he didn't bug me.

Leah scanned my face for a second before giving me a dimpled smile.

"If you mean alcohol, hell yes."

Words: 939

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