Sarcastic Remarks - Imperial!Crosshair x Gn!Reader

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Sarcastic Remarks. 

Being a part of an Elite squad was tough but most certainly worth it. Why? Well it certainly wasn't because you were under the Empire, you kind of had no choice in that matter. But it was because your commander, Crosshair, was extremely attractive and pretty much perfect in every way. Obviously not crushing on your commander was an unwritten rule, but you just couldn't help it! The way he spoke to you, the attitude, how you had both grown so close over the years spent fighting beside one another. Being under his protection was something that felt so intimate to you, the care he gave you even if he didn't show it through bigger actions. You were in love with him and that just made things a little difficult because it was a nightmare not to be obvious - which you were constantly. 

"I hope you two are understanding of your current mission and its objective." Admiral  Rampart spoke, gazing over at you both with a menacing and professional gaze. "I'm sending the two of you. The best members of the Elite squad. Do not stain the name of the Empire, I trust that you shall succeed." Crosshair just nodded, keeping his rifle close. 

"Yes sir." He spoke as the Admiral gave a sadistic smirk before turning away. "Leave then, and return with the needed supplies. We shall be seeing you both in a few days." He soon left, leaving you both standing beside one another prepared for the mission. 

"Let's go then." Crosshair spoke, turning away and heading toward your assigned ship. With a smile behind your helmet, you moved alongside with him and walked into the ship beginning to start it up. Once you were in the air, you couldn't help but gaze over at him cleaning his rifle in the pilot seat with his helmet still covering your face. 

"Aren't you gonna take that off?" You asked, voice gentle as your eyes studied him before turning to the space before you. "It gets a little stuffy on this ship." Without a response, he took it off and revealed his usual perfect face and placed his helmet to the side. Smiling slightly, you typed in the correct coordinates and activated hyperspace at his go ahead. 

"I heard an interesting fact from the other members of our squad before they departed for their own mission." Crosshair spoke, voice light as he stated ahead. 

"Oh yeah?" You smiled, "What's that then?" He just chuckled, an unusual but signature smirk playing against his lips. 

"That you love me." Your eyes narrowed on the blurred stars before you, panic rising in your cheeks with your heart hammering against your chest. 

"W-what? That's ridiculous! I would never crush on my commander." You rushed your words out, eyes wide not daring to look his way. 

"Really then?" He turned in his chair, leaning forward and allowing his fingertips to hold your jaw so you turned to face him. "Why're your cheeks so red, y/n?" You felt them heat up even more, if that was possible, and frantically tried to move away standing quickly. 

"It's just warm in here! Uh I'm going to go and fiddle with the controls to see if I can cool it down!" You rushed away, his light laughs taunting you. Once you were alone you couldn't help but allow a sigh to escape your throat. How could they even tell Crosshair that? This is ridiculous! Quickly grabbing your comm link you activated it and set it to the frequency you know they were running at. 

"ES-02, come in." Your voice was slow and heavy, anger bubbling in your chest. 

"This is ES-02. I read you, what's wrong?" Your eyes automatically rolled, slumping against the wall of controls. 

"You told Crosshair how I felt? What the hell is wrong with you!" Laughs filled the communication line which just made the bubbles worse. 

"Sorry, y/n, I couldn't help it. Just roll with it, he didn't seem disgusted by it. If anything we saw a smile - a real one!" She paused for a moment, fiddling with something. "It was a miracle if I'm honest. Look, we've got to go - we're about to land. Good luck!" With that, the communication cut off and made you stand in thought. He might like you back? There's a chance! If he smiled like that… Then maybe, just maybe he likes you too. A smile grew on your face as you took a few more gentle  breaths before finally getting the courage to walk back in. 

"It's a lot cooler now. Shall we prepare ourselves for the mission?" You gazed at him as he just sat there, cleaning his rifle. Those hands of his, you swore they could be the death of you. If only they were within your own… 

"Don't need to. It'll just be a lot of walking and stealth. Are you prepared for that? To map out the area and grab those supplies?" You just nodded, ensuring your blasters were at your side and any necessary equipment was in your backpack. 

"Yes sir." 

"Then we're fine. Why don't you sit down? I didn't finish my earlier conversation." If there was an escape pod on this maker forsaken ship then you would have most certainly used it by now. Sitting down a little shaky, you turned your gaze to him. 

"Look, I'm sorry they said something as inappropriate as that. But it isn't true!" His eyes looked a little cold at your words, facing you gently. 

"It isn't true?" His words caught you off guard. Why was his tone so cold? Was he disappointed? 

"Well-" Before you could finish your sentence, the ship came out of hyperspace and almost instantly the ship began to be fired at. Grabbing the controls, you began to guide the ship onto the planet before you. "Grab the gunner! Fire!" You yelled toward Crosshair, not awaiting his orders. This didn't look good and looked way too organised. An enemy attack wasn't expected until you touched ground, so this was new. He left without a word, the red bullets coming from your ship signalling you that he obliged. Finally reaching the planet's atmosphere, the ship got hit and caused a ton of turbulence which left the gun unusable and Crosshair rushed in and pushed you to a side, taking over and shoving you onto the co-pilot's seat. 

"Stay down." He commanded, words filled with a sense of panic and venom. This wasn't going to be a good landing and you had pretty much thought you were used to that, but this felt different. Taking a sharp breath in, you tried to stabilize the ship. 

"Why haven't we got a kriffing droid on this ship?!" You asked, frantically typing in before the ship swung to the right, hard ground hitting Into it and sending it into a heavy crash landing. 

You had no idea how much time had passed, everything felt heavy and wrong. Taking a sharp breath in, pain accompanied it before you gave an attempt to open your eyes. 

"Y/n?" You heard a muffle voice call for you. "Come on!" The sound seemed to fade in and out, the ringing in your ears starting to lessen. "Kriff y/n, just wake up!" Finally managing to open your eyes, you allowed them to sway over the area only to fall upon Crosshairs face. 

"C-cross?" You stammered as he pulled you up to rest against his chest. "What happened?" Your burning ship soon came into view, a cut against your arm which began to sting.

"Got shot down." His voice was blunt, eyes fixed upon you. "Let's patch you up and get out of here." He began to fuss over your arm, examining the wound but you just softly pulled away which made his expression soften. 

"It's fine. Don't worry about it, let's just go - we have a mission to complete." You mumbled, attempting to stand up with his support. He held you tightly beside the burning ship, eyes melting into yours. 

"You still need me, right?" The words sounded broken, almost lost. 

"What do you mean? Of course I do." His eyes studied your wound carefully, holding you closer against his chest. 

"Then let me help the person I love." Your eyes grew wide, cheeks heating up from his words and the company of the nearby flames. 

"You love me?" He shuffled around in the bag he had against his back finally bringing out a patch of bacta to press against the pain. 

"I always have done. Why do you think I was so happy when they told me huh?" He smirked lightly, "You're not exactly the least obvious person Mesh'la, are you?" Your eyes darted away as you hissed lightly at the pain as he pressed the goo against the wound, it soon turning into a numb and tingly sensation. He turned your head so you gazed at him, lips soon against your own. The kiss almost felt possessive but so sweet and passion filled and when he pulled away the warmth in your chest blossomed into waves of love. 

"I-I love you." He chuckled lightly, gently holding you closer as you both began to walk to your next destination toward the supplies. 

"I can't believe you've fallen in love with me huh? Falling for a commander?" Crosshair paused as he turned to whisper in your ear, feet dragging against the floor. "Do you understand how wrong that is?" He smirked as your eyes grew panicked. "It's so wrong to them, but it's so kriffing right to me."

The Bad Batch x Reader Oneshots.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن