Every Galaxy - Wrecker x Fem!Reader

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Every Galaxy.
Both red and blue bullets shot through the air, the sound of several explosions accompanying them as five men hid behind a large piece of debris desperate for some cover. Tech was typing frantically into his datapad trying to find a way to deactivate the droids whilst Hunter was giving out several commands to try and get them out alive and well to return to you on the ship. Echo and Crosshair were peeking over and sharing out some bullets, taking down whatever droids they could in the process. However, Wrecker was currently slouched against the debris, tired and worn out which was very rare for him as he'd always been full of energy. In all honesty, he had a terrible day and this chaotic situation really didn't help things out - everything was horrible. All Wrecker wanted to do was to return to you, all of them safe and sound as he held you tightly in his arms with your comforting words filling his head. Another loud and closer explosion dragged him out of his comforting thoughts, clutching his blaster tightly in his grip.
"The only way out of this is to blast our way out and use whatever we can as cover." Hunter's voice spoke up as he turned to his brothers with a serious look engraved onto his face. They all nodded in agreement before Tech spoke up;
"There's no current way to deactivate the droids but I may be able to get the comm system working again to call yln to fly the ship over to us - it's our only means of escape." Wrecker lit up at the mention of your name, blasting at a few droids that drew too closely.
"Will y/n be able to fly it alright?" Echo asked, knowing you'd only had a handful of flying lessons for situations like this. Tech nodded in response, a proud smile on his lips.
"She'll be fine as I taught her." Hunter threw a single grenade into the distance for it to take out more droids and prove on inconvenience to them.
"Tech, get that system running and our ship here. He paused for a moment to knife a droid that lurked over them all. "There's too many droids here to take out safely." Tech finally secured a signal with you, Wrecker's eyes lighting up at your gentle voice which was a tone he could listen to forever if you let him do so.

"Guys!" You smiled, speaking into the comm on your arm, "Is everything okay?" Without a moment's delay, Tech began to speak among all of the rapid blaster fire - courtesy of Wrecker.
"Not completely, we need you to come and pick us up with the Marauder stat. I'm sending you our exact coordinates now." Once his sentence had finished and the coordinates had been sent through, you rushed into the cockpit and activated the engines. They always managed to find themselves in a chaotic mess which was why you were so eager to get there as soon as you could before Hunter had convinced them all that just blasting themselves out was a perfectly safe and valid method of escape. Ever since you joined the batch you had finally convinced them all to play their missions more safely and all of that work would go down the drain if you didn't get there in time. Adjusting to the controls, you typed in their current coordinates and began to fly to their rescue once again. The sky was murky but it wasn't anything you couldn't clear with as your eyes landed upon a set of explosions before the ship.
"There they are." You mumbled, opening the attack shuttles doors and landing it - pulling on your helmet and grabbing your blaster and standing at the entrance to fend off some droids and give them some much needed cover. "Come on! Move!" At your words, they ran quickly into the ship - blasting behind them at every opportunity. Once they were all onboard alive and unscratched you returned to your position as the pilot, shutting the doors and rapidly leaving the planet's atmosphere and activating hyperspace once it was safe to do so.
"See I told you she was more than capable." Tech spoke, Smiling your way before removing his helmet and moving away with the rest of his brothers for some much deserved and needed sleep. Wrecker stayed behind though, placing his helmet to a side before turning to you. With a big smile, you pulled him closely against you - giving him the hug he had practically dreamt of all day long.
"My love, how was your day?" He sighed gently, his arms around you.
"Tough. All I needed was you." His words alone made you melt into a literal puddle as you felt his grip tighten against you, almost as if it were a dream to him.
"Wrecker, You're falling asleep - go and rest now okay?" He let go hesitantly before a long yawn left him which was followed by a gentle nod as he gave you a light kiss before moving away to his bunk half conscious. A light laugh left your lips at the sight of him being so sleepy, it really was adorable.

Finally deciding to retreat to your own bunk, you laid against the bed covered in the blankets with your holopad within your hands to waste hours watching - a sneaky habit of yours. A gentle knock was heard at your door causing you to shut off the holo pad and speak a gentle "Come in!" Wrecker sheepishly walked into your room, smiling gently with a sigh, his hand against the back of his neck which was a nervous habit of his.
"Sorry to bother you Mesh'la, but I was wondering if I could stay with you for the night?" His voice was gentle and his request made you smile. Late night cuddles had always been a way to cheer Wrecker up and you absolutely loved them too.
"Come here, love." He smiled gently and got into your bunk, allowing you to rest against his chest. The silence was filled by the rhythmic beating of his heart which was accompanied by your breathing, only being interrupted by his soft words.
"What would you say if I asked you to Marry me?" The question made your heart race, a red blush coating your cheeks but being hidden by the darkness. "I don't want anything else in my life, I just want you and you alone. I'm in love with you - I want the whole galaxy to know."
"l would say yes." You gently placed your hand against his cheek which heated up at the gentle contact. "I love you, Wrecker. I just want you..." Your words trailed off as his lips gently stole your own in a kiss.
"Marry me then, y/n." A smile covered your face as you planted a kiss against his lips, keeping him in a comforting embrace to melt away the struggles he faced throughout the day. He wouldn't need to ask for these night-time cuddles anymore though - he'd get them every night in your gentle embrace.
"I will marry you in every galaxy, my love."

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