Loyalties - Hunter & Echo x Drunk!Reader

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Warnings: Mentions of strong negative emotions, alcohol and being drunk.


Things had been way beyond tough through your newest missions with The Bad Batch. Missions were of course always difficult and unfortunately very dangerous, but things hit harder during the past mission and you had no idea why. Putting everything down to stress, you walked into the area of the Havoc Marauder where food and drink was kept. You were way too desperate for something to take your mind off of things and hopefully numb some of these feelings that were ripping through your body. It felt like you could cry, tears gathering in your eyes but you also felt like you could go out and do some knife practice on some trees to rid of the anger bubbling within your chest. Opening the cooling section, you grabbed whatever alcoholic was left, the batch didn't really drink but they were retrieved as gifts. Once the bottle was in your hand and open, you pushed the control panel and rushed outside not having an absolute clue where you were going as you'd never stepped foot onto this planet before. The rest of the batch had watched you leave, calling out to you in pure concern and attempting to help. Due to feeling all of these numerous emotions filling your body you couldn't hear them calling out your name or feel their light touch against your hand.

"What was that about?" Wrecker asked, rubbing the back of his head in concern and nervousness as a new wave of tension filled the attack shuttle. Hunter shrugged as he stood, flipping his knife back into its hold and watching you walk into the night chugging down whatever concoction lingered within the bottle. Echo leaned to feel the night air against his face, watching you grow further and further away from him.

"I have no idea." Hunter's words sliced through the tense atmosphere, turning to face Tech who was the most logical during any given situation. "What should we do?" Tech sat in silence for a moment, considering all options before settling on one after typing away into his datapad.

"Considering their actions I'd say to go after them- they need you both right now. Emotions can be extremely fragile and complex, I believe they need comfort-" Before Tech could even complete his rant, both Echo and Hunter rushed out into the dark desperate to hold you and attempt to make everything feel better. The grass was long as it practically gripped at their boots, swiftly still managing to avoid any rocks that blocked their path. 

"This way." Hunter motioned, hearing your rapid breathing as they approached you slumped against a rock with a tear stained face and an empty bottle. Echo sighed gently at this, his face filled with concern as he knew about your extremely low alcohol tolerance. They both knew you'd be a little out of it and fragile, but they didn't expect your crying to fill the night air. Both men crouched beside you, Echos hand resting against your shoulder and Hunters hand against your leg as they did their best to comfort you.

"Y/n," Echo spoke gently, your red cheeks covered in tears made him feel like he could break. You were like their life-line so when you were down they most certainly felt your pain. "What's going on, Mesh'la?" You responded with a stifled sob as you shook your head, bringing your knees to your chest for some sort of comfort. 

"We can't help unless you talk to us, my love." The words they used any other day would have brought a beautiful smile to your face, but it just didn't work today.

"Leave me alone, please." Your voice sounded so broken, hiccups filling the pause.

"We won't ever leave you, y/n - talk to us please?" At this point you couldn't help but cry even more, gripping your clothes for more mustered comfort and warmth.

"Why can't you just leave me?" Your voice was borderline a shout due to your crying but that didn't stop them from flinching a little at this very rare tone. "I don't want to be here, everything's too much - just leave me for a while." Hunter brought you against his chest as Echo held your clenched fists which soon at his soothing touch, became gentle hands that held his own. 

"We won't ever leave you, understand?" Hunter's voice was stern, but it seemed to ground you even with all of the alcohol buzzing within your mind. "You're our priority y/n." Your cries had since stopped at their soothing touch and words - your head clearing from the waves of emotion and just leaving you with the alcohol blurring your thoughts.

"Where do your loyalties lie?" You asked, hiding into Hunter a little more as he played with your hair with Echo gently rubbing your hands. The question confused them at first, but Echo just nodded toward Hunter to answer the question with him especially since it may help you. Echo took a gentle breath as your hand ensured it was holding his own.

"Mine lay with the republic even if it's gone, and it lies with our team here - The Bad Batch." You nodded at his response, humming softly in understanding before gazing at Hunter for his response.

"Mine lay with The Bad Batch, my brothers and you." The tears soon stopped and gentle sniffles replaced them. " How about yours?" You were quick to answer as it had been playing on your mind for the past few missions.

"You two and the others." They smiled at your reply as Hunter stood holding you in his arms and walking slowly back to the Marauder to get you some well needed and well deserved rest. "Please don't ever leave me?" Your voice pleaded, the question sounding desperate for their affirmation that they weren't leaving you any time soon.

"Y/n, we won't ever leave your side. I state upon the galaxy." Giving a soft nod, your eyes shut against Hunter's chest - being lulled to your slumber with Echos words.

Once they had finally returned, the other members couldn't help but sigh out in relief that you were safe and back with them - clearly calmed against the emotions that fought you. 

"Good, they're safe." Tech smiled, pushing his goggles up as he hummed. "I'll prepare some medicine for when they wake, drinking truly isn't their strongest skill." The others chuckled lightly before Echo shushed them, afraid they'd wake your tired state up. 

"Let's get them to bed." Hunter nodded toward Echo, leading him into his room and laying you against his bed - both boys laying beside you to protect you and be there for when you wake, ready to do whatever they can do  to make life less stressful for you. Once you woke, you knew Tech would be shoving medicine, water and a ration bar in your face whilst telling you about every single hangover cure known to the galaxy. Wrecker would be teasing you about stealing the drink whilst Crosshair would grin at you when seeing you wrapped in both Hunters and Echos arms. For now though you had the entire night to lay in their arms, sure and protected with their loyalties belonging with you and yours with them.

"Goodnight, Mesh'la"

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