Our Star - The Bad batch x Gn!Reader

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Our Star
Training at the academy was hard, especially when your family is on the move constantly for missions. Your family dubbed themselves as The Bad Batch and you write a part of it too! You loved your brothers and they loved you. Walking through the busy and crowded hallways, you clutched your datapad to your chest making your way to the office. Your teacher had called you there for a small discussion, one in which you were eager to have. Thanks to Tech tutoring you, your grades were excellent and your brothers were extremely proud of their 'star' as they called it. Pressing the doors controls, it opened with a light hiss allowing you to walk in and smiling at the head teacher before you. They were always rude and mean, strict on students and it was rare to hear any praise unless it was sarcasm. There was plenty of that thrown around. The head reacher didn't return the smile, instead she gestured to the seat before you to sit in. 

"Sit." She demanded which made you inwardly sigh and begin to panic a little bit. Why was she so moody today? "Do you know why I called you here y/n?" You just simply shook your head choosing not to speak as the words got caught within your throat. "It's because your grade is slipping and it's a horrible reflection upon the academy and me. You're lazy!" She paused before showing you the datapad filled with your grades, a slightly lower mark than the others beside the specialty of combat medic. It was a tough class trying to figure out what to do in the heat of the simulator battle mode to save a pretend person's life. It left you shaking more than you'd like to admit.

"I'm sorry, I'm finding that class a little tough but my grades are still high." You breathed lightly, trying to keep your voice from leaking any knowledge to your fear. "I promise to work harder."

"Too right you will!" She yelled out, slamming her fists onto her desk. This was pretty over dramatic, even for her. "What would your brothers think? I'm sure they'd be ashamed of you." That instantly struck a nerve, your heart sinking into your stomach. Thump. Thump. Thump. Your heart was hammering against your ribcage, your lungs tightening as your mind wracked through these new darker thoughts. Would they be ashamed? Maybe they would. Tech has been doing everything he can to teach you and he'd put his own life on hold for the private lessons. All of them had been helping you out and you began to think that you had failed them as their younger sibling, tears pricking your eyes. 

"I'll do better. Thank you." You spoke, your voice barely a whisper. She waved her hand, signalling for you to go which you gladly did with great speed - heading straight outside and toward the direction of the Havoc Marauder. 

Once the attack shuttle was in view, you drew in a jagged breath. They're going to be so disappointed surely. Once you walked up the ramp, familiar laughs and voices filled your ears. The sound always warmed you and let any tension melt away, but not today. 

"Hey y/n is back!! How was ya day?" Wrecker laughed, lifting you up and spinning you gently before setting you down due to Echo's demand in case you got dizzy. 

"Uhm, yeah it was okay!" You lied through your teeth toward them, forcing a smile to your face that didn't meet your eyes. Tech and Echo soon walked in with Crosshair trudging behind - giving you a light smile that he had reserved just for you. You smiled back before fiddling with your hands trying to stop the emotion swelling within you. 

"What did you learn about?" Echo asked, smiling as he patted your head in a gesture of affection. You wracked your brain trying to think back on the day, what had you learned? The conversation with the headteacher was the only thing playing on your mind. 

"Well it was shooting practice today." You gazed up at them before seeing Crosshairs eyes light up momentarily. 

"I trust you did well thanks to me?" He spoke playfully, chuckling gently. 

"I did! Top grades!" You beamed but that instantly fell away from your face, a frown replacing it. 

"How about your Combat Medic training? I checked your time table and saw that it was scheduled for today." He paused, giving you a warm smile after putting down his datapad. "I'm sure you did amazing." 

Once his praise was in the air, you couldn't hold it back anymore as you began to cry. Sobs wracked through your body as Hunter instantly brought you into his arms. "Hey hey what's wrong vod'ika?" His voice soothed, hugging you tightly as his hand rubbed circles into your back. 

"Got into trouble an' she yelled at me my grades are bad." You sobbed out, Tech's face instantly softened as you cried. Crosshair soon growled lightly, gazing toward his brothers before gently crouching beside you, brushing hair away from your eyes. 

"Vod'ika, which teacher yelled at my star?" You sniffed lightly, crying more as Echo gently held you, taking over from Hunter. 

"Headteacher…" Your muffled voice whispered as Tech began typing away at his datapad. 

"Star, your grades are perfect. You're doing great in combat as a medic!" He began to ramble onwards, "What on maker is she on about? Our vod'ika is doing amazing." The others just huffed lightly before smiling as your sobs calmed down and turned into hiccups. 

"She-she said that I'm a horrible reflection on her and the academy and that I'm lazy! What if they expel me!" The batch gently sat you down, all of them beside you as they comforted you. 

"My star, your grades are not a reflection of who you are. You're an amazing talented individual and we trust you with our lives." Hunter paused for a moment gazing at you happily. "You work so hard! She's wrong. Your grades are amazing and it's okay to struggle!" He smiled as Tech wiped away some of your tears. 

"We love you. You are not lazy, you are the most talented person we know. You're the backbone of our batch." Echo chuckled, loving the new smile against your face. 

Little did you know that when your brothers made sure you got some rest, all of them apart from Echo who had said he wanted to keep you safe, left that night in their full armour. They showed up at the academy and requested a personal meeting with the headteacher which she accepted. Walking into the office, Hunter slammed his hands on the desk with the brothers standing and glaring daggers into her eyes. 

"Now what's this about you calling our y/n lazy huh?" 

Rest assured, she never bothered you again and they made sure you knew that you are amazing, smart and talented even if grades slip every now and then.

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