Fragile Confessions - Tech x Anxious Reader

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Warnings: detailed panic attack description.

Fragile Confessions.
The mission you had just returned from had definitely left its mark upon you, bullets everywhere, bombs going off almost constantly, (much to Wrecker's joy - he was the one joyfully throwing them about.) Sounds like any other mission, right? Wrong. You had nearly lost Tech and the others had just brushed it off as he was fine and so were they. This happened to them pretty much on a daily basis for them but you genuinely couldn't stomach the thought of losing any of them - especially Tech. Throughout your time at the Havoc Marauder you'd grown close with every single one of them, they were like your brothers even though you weren't a clone like them. Tech was different though, you had fallen in love with him pretty much at first sight at his vast knowledge over every single topic. You loved his voice so you didn't mind his ranting, if anything you adored it and clung to every word as if it were a life-line.
"Y/n?" You swore somebody called your name but everything sounded muffled due to the blood pumping to your ears, the fear and anger you felt making your body shake with every step closer to the attack shuttle. Desperately you just wanted to lock Yourself into the fresher and completely break down. That's what you usually did anyway, it was routine and you were absolutely used to dealing with such emotions alone and without any help or hugs.
"Are they okay?" Another voice questioned, similar to Echo's voice. Are you okay? After everything they'd been through, a near death experience for your loved one and they were concerned about your emotions. It was sweet of them to worry about you of course but you were too occupied with other persistent emotions to even consider their act of concern.

Finally reaching the attack shuttle you all called home, your legs practically sprinted toward the fresher and your hands slammed the door shut behind you. Falling to your knees, you allowed yourself to back you up against the wall with your knees pulled toward your chest. Everything was so suddenly silent after so many loud noises and your breathing had run away without you becoming more and more erratic as time passed. Nauseous, you definitely felt nauseated and your chest felt tight almost like it would collapse at any given moment. Summing up the symptoms you were currently experiencing, you had realized it was a panic attack and you hadn't had one for a while - it all felt so new and you had literally no idea what to do. A knock at the door made you draw a sharp breath in fighting against your lungs which just made you choche instead. So much for trying to stay quiet.
"Y/n?" Tech's voice spoke from the other Side of the door which just made involuntary sobs escape your throat. "Hey what's happening? Are you sick?" Trying to reply or even thinking about doing so felt impossible as sobs violently wracked your body. "Listen, I'm going to need you to let me in." His voice was filled with seriousness but laced with a calming tone you clung onto once again. "Can you do that for me?" Of course you could, you'd do anything for him and that included pushing him out of the way of a bomb earlier - saving both his and your life in the process. Pulling yourself back along the floor, you pushed the button that both unlocked and opened the door which led to Tech instantly falling to his knees for you and holding you against his chest even though it was still armoured. His hand softly trailed down to your wrist as he checked your pulse and listened to your sharp and intense jagged breaths. "You're experiencing a panic attack." He could give you all the facts of one here and now but even he knew that it wasn't the time to do so. "I'm going to need you to breathe with me, y/n." You just simply nodded as you continued to fight for your breath through your intense sobs. "Breath in for four... Hold." Tech instructed these breathing commands almost like an order which made your battle instincts kick back in, listening to him and copying his words and demonstration. "Breath out for four... Hold." You both sat against the floor, repeating this method a few times before your sobs came to a steady stop and you finally gained control back over your breathing.
"Thank you." You whispered, his hands holding yours as he drew gentle circles with his thumb against your palms. He seemed to smile at your words,
"I should be thanking you, you saved my life. This is the least I could do." You sighed a little gazing up at him, sadness coating your gentle eyes.
"You could've died - you nearly did!" Tech heard your breathing getting a little jagged again as he hushed you gently.
"I'm sorry I worried you so much, Mesh'la." That word alone sent your heart to go crazy and your cheeks to heat up. "It won't happen again."
"Mesh'la?" You responded, a questioning tone coating your words as he chuckled.
"Of course... Now probably Isn't the right time to confess but I really think you need to know." Softly moving away from his chest, you sat opposite him on the fresher floor with a small smile forming on your lips. "I love you and I really hope that it doesn't create any tension if you don't feel the same way as I do." Seriously? After all of this time loving him, he was loving you too?
"No i- i love you too Tech." You drew in a gentle but weak breath, " I always have I just didn't think you felt the same way." His hands gently moved to hold yours once again unwilling to let you go.
"How couldn't I love somebody as perfect as you?" You just smiled before bringing your arms around him, "Would you be my Significant other, y/n?" A laugh left your lips before connecting them with his own.
"Always, Tech."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I'll be doing different Scenarios for each character. You can leave a request in the comments or dm me on instagram! :)

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