It's Just What We Do - Crosshair x Sick!Reader

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It's just what we do.
Smiling wide you all rushed back onto the Havoc Marauder, hiding away from bullets and shooting a few of your own back at your enemies. The ramp soon shut closed and tech took over the flying controls to get you all the hell out of there within what felt like such a swift routine movement. Sighing lightly with relief, you shoved your blasters back into their holds against your armour and removed your helmet, smiling over at Crosshair first. He just nodded slightly in your direction before speaking lightly,
"Good job, y/n." He soon walked away to get himself some caf that he knew was left as he always took first dibs on that. You couldn't help but feel your heart swell with pride and confidence at your best friend's words though, he rarely gave out compliments but when he did? They just felt right and stronger than any others. Swiftly you moved in the room with him, following his movements.
"You think so?" You asked, attempting to get a little more affection out of him. Those three words were enough though and you knew that, but you always liked to tease him. That's just what best friends did.
"Mhm." He hummed, sipping at the hot liquid and relaxing against the side. Laughing a little you turned and bumped into Tech, causing you to wobble a little on your feet.
"Ah y/n, just who I need to see." You stood back, a sheepish grin upon your face with Crosshair behind you - a little intrigued about what he needed you for. "I need to do a medi scan on you." Sighing lightly you tucked your helmet under your arm, tilting your head.
"Have you updated it or something, Teccie?" He rolled his eyes playfully at your words before typing into his datapad.
"No, I simply need to check your health after our visit to that planet. I didn't realize at the time but you aren't a clone like us, I suppose that slipped my mind." He took a breath inwards, gently pulling you with him much to Crosshair's confusion. "That planet is known for its illnesses and diseases, us clones won't be affected but you may be." Fear rushed through your body at the thought, gazing behind you to see Crosshair who wasn't even looking in your direction - if anything he just shrugged and continued to drink his caf. Did he even care that you could get sick? Clearly not. Nodding lightly you sat where Tech had sat you upon the med table, running the scanner across your body.
"Am I sick?" You asked, trying to keep your voice straight. You absolutely hated being unwell, it was horrible and tiring and you never got better quickly as you used to have to fight illnesses alone. "I don't want to be sick, I hate it." Tech nodded softly at your words before a quick beep alerted him that the information was ready and he sighed lightly.
"Your body is currently fighting off an illness, but it seems as if it should go okay. I may have to apply a shot now of medicine to help and you'll have to rest as soon as possible." He paused for a moment gazing at your worried expression, "I'll alert the others to your possible condition." You couldn't even respond to much in return, why on earth did you have to take part in that mission oh maker.
"But I feel fine…" You replied wearily as Tech got some medicine adjusted in the form of a shot.
"You'll feel fine whilst your body fights it off, and hopefully you continue to feel fine - but you need to rest and have this to ensure you successfully fight the illness off." Nodding softly you allowed him to give you the medicine as you turned away, wincing lightly. He smiled and turned you back to him. "All done. Please go and rest now, I will bring you your food once it's time to eat." Standing quickly, you folded your arms across your chest and made your way to your assigned bunk. Sitting against it you huffed lightly before laying against the pillows and blankets. Maybe falling asleep like Tech suggested would pass time and help, besides there wasn't much else to do. Closing your eyes, you allowed sleep to overtake you as quickly as you had thought about it. Maybe once you woke up, you could go and see Cross.

"Y/n, it's time for you to eat." Opening your eyes was an intense struggle, your entire body feeling weighed down didn't help as you turned your head to gaze at Tech.
"No thanks." You mumbled out, squeezing your eyes shut to try and help you battle the wave of pain that engulfed your body. Wincing lightly, you exhaled a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Re-opening your eyes to see Hunter, Wrecker and Echo beside Tech gazing at you with concern.
"I brought you Lula, y/n!" Wrecker softly spoke, softly placing her into your arms. Holding her closely you hummed lightly in thanks, everything beginning to just feel worse and worse.
"Don't wanna get you all sick." You mumbled out, wishing you hadn't spoken at all as all of your previous energy completely vanished. Tech laughed lightly which resulted in Hunter lightly smacking his shoulder.
"We can't get sick, so don't worry. We're clones so we're genetically engineered to not get sick." Nodding again you buried yourself into the blankets trying to overcome another wave of pain.
"Do you need anything?" Hunter asked, gently touching your forehead a little shocked at how much you were burning up. Echo softly ensured the blanket was over you okay before you managed to whisper out:
"Cross." They nodded gently and left the room,
"Call us if you need anything else." In all honesty you felt as if Crosshair had completely abandoned you, everybody else had come in to check on you so why not him? A while had passed with you withering in agony, unable to fall asleep whilst the illness had a hold upon you. Your door soon swiftly opened and slid shut which made you sigh gently, it was probably Tech with another shot of medicine.
" No more." You barely whispered before a gentle hand was pressed against your forehead, fingertips brushing strands of hair away from your face.
" No more." Crosshair repeated gently, placing a cold cloth against your forehead in light hopes that it would help Your scorching temperature to come down. " I'm sorry it took me so long to come to you cyar'ika..." He took a gentle breath before helping you sit up a little, pressing a cold cup of water to your lips which felt nice but was rather difficult. " I hope I'm still your best friend?" His voice was rather hopeful which made you smile as he placed the cup down, helping you lay back against the blankets.
"Mhm, my best friend." You managed to speak, Smiling against the pain waving itself through your body, The door opening to reveal Tech holding a shot made you sigh and Crosshair grumble as he stood, taking the shot and nudging Tech back out.
"I've got this." Tech held up a finger as he was about to speak, the door just slamming in his face which made you giggle a little. "I'm sorry, yln - one more shot to feel better okay?" Softly sighing a little, he rolled up your sleeve and injected the medicine, planting a friendly kiss to the top of your forehead to help you through it. " All done" He hummed, gently helping you lay on the further side of the bed with him climbing beside you, hugging you gently against him. Smiling again, you felt a shudder of warmth coat your body as You hid into Cross allowing him to rub calming circles against your back. "It's alright, I won't go - you wouldn't leave me if I needed you." Gently gripping onto his blacks you finally shut your eyes,not feeling so alone as before.
"Thank you for staying, Cross." He just smiled as sleep soon followed your sentence, light snores leaving your mouth.
"It's just what we do…"

Once you had awoken folly, you finally felt better thanks to the medicine and a sleeping Crosshair laying next to you Still deep within his own rest. Stretching gently, you lay Lula beside him and climb out of the bank to tell the others the good news. Over the next few days your friendship grew even Stronger with Crosshair after he took care of You during your weakest moment. You'd both live to each other's weakest moments but you'd always both be there for one another. That's just what best friends did.

The Bad Batch x Reader Oneshots.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن