Order 66 - Hunter x Jedi!Reader

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Order 66.
Chaos. That's all it was and ever would be. Everything you had ever known had fallen within the blink of an eye and it hurt - why did everything hurt? Blue bullets were being shot in your direction rapidly, a colour you had never imagined trying to take your life. Blue, the colour of your allies, the colour of hope and friendship only to be twisted in a sick and unexpected turn of events to fire at you to remove your existence completely. You couldn't die now though, not when the future of the Jedi lay upon your shoulders. Not with the love of your life running beside you trying to take the clones that wished death upon you and not with The Bad Batch trying to do anything and everything they could to stop the agonizing flow of bullets that tormented you.
"We can't get them off of our trail!" Echo reported as you turned to deflect some bullets, never allowing any to hit your family.
"We're going to have to try something else!" Hunter shouted, shooting some more  taser shots toward the regs that were currently hot on your trail. "Tech, locate any nearby docking stations and take us to them stat." With a nod he began to type one-handed into his datapad whilst using his other hand to shoot whenever he could. Continuing to deflect any bullets away, you used the force to push many of them back falling down the hill you were running up.
"There are no nearby docking stations or ships to hotwire and steal." His words filled with dread, the force surrounding you feeling cold as you pulled in a shaky breath. Hunter grabbed your hand and pulled you toward his chest, protecting you with whatever he could. "There's a sewer nearby, we can hide in there for the time being, it leads to a nearby town and we may be able to escape through there." Hunter pushed you forward to run toward the location Tech was leading everybody to. With every step you took, the force felt colder and colder, beginning to chill your previously warm skin. Whatever was to happen was the will of the force, unstoppable and certain to occur. Finally approaching, a large tree covered your position for the time being - the force telling you it was time.

Removing the top of the sewer entrance, you pulled Tech and Echo close for a hug before helping them down into the sewers. You continued to do the same for Crosshair and Wrecker, giving them the same hoy  before sending them down the Sewer.
"Mesh'la hurry, let's go." He held your hand gently, trying to bring you down the ladder. Instead you wrapped your arms around him and pressed your lips to his own before whispering against him.
"My love, believe me when I say that this is the only way. I love you and if I could then I'll give my life for yours every day." You drew a deep breath inwards before a grenade rolled beside you frantically beeping. "Go!" You yelled, using the force to place him into the sewers and shut it. "I love you." Despite his desperate screams, everything went black for them as the only source of light was cut off. A blaster shot ripped through your body as you fell above the sewer entrance - the grenade exploding near you. This was it - this was what the force willed to happen. This was the only way to keep them safe and alive, they'd never stop hunting you down and if needed, they'd kill them to get to you. The force had shown you a vision not too long ago, showing you what would have happened if you stayed with them. All of you would have died, but now Order 66 had defeated you they were no longer interested in killing the Bad Batch. They had what they needed which was you, they were safe and that's all that mattered to you. Taking a final breath inwards, you felt the gentle melody of the force comfort you - millions of memories lurking through what once was and what would have been. "I love you, Hunter - live." And that was that as you lay lifeless upon the ground. Once the clones had left after a sweep of the area, Hunter was soon back at your side clinging to you and sobbing, the other members unable to hold back their own share of tears.
"No,no,no!"His voice cried out, holding you upon his lap, his fingertips brushing across your cheek with his other hand holding across your bullet wound. "Tech, grab the bacta packs we need to get them out of here and patched up!" He softly Crouched beside your body, shaking his head gently after running his mediscan over you just to be sure you truly were gone.
"It's too late, there's no signal of life Hunter. Y/n is dead."

Ever since that day, Hunter hadn't been the same. His head was filled with scribbles and tangled thoughts, only you filling it. How he felt like he had failed and he could have somehow saved you - if only you were alive to hold him. He had frequent and graphic nightmares every time he shut his eyes, losing you over and over again. Tonight he thought it was no different, but it was.
"Y/n?" Hunter's voice shouted out into the clark, his voice Panicked and empty.
"My love!" Your voice replied, moving forth in your blue-tinted form, the force bringing you to life in Hunter's mind. "I'm here, Hunter." At the sight of you, he instantly reached out to hold you before dropping to his knees in tears.
" I lost you." He cried, gazing at you with shame gleaming in his sweet eyes. "Losing you is the worst pain I've ever felt." Gently crouching, you placed a hand upon his cheek with a warm smile - a soft kiss against his lips.
"I'm with you now. I'm sorry for taking so long to return but I'm here now with you…" Your words and actions soothed him as you sat before him, fingertips threading through his hair which was always something you'd do to rid the nightmares from his mind. "I live within you my sweet, and I won't ever leave your side."
"I can't lose you again!" He begged, "Please, bring me with you." Your eyes shone with understanding as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I am alive within you, my love… Know that when you wake, your heart shall feel lighter and I shall guide you from the force." He nodded gently, arms around you.
"Never leave me, Mesh'la." Once his eyes fluttered open he sat up in his bunk, your words filling his mind with love and a newfound will to continue living, knowing you were with him. Every night when he shut his eyes, you'd appear in his dreams to thread your fingertips through his hair .. . . :!.. listen to his beautiful voice. Order 66 may have taken your physical form, but it could never take your spirit - that belonged to Hunter.

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