Direct Orders - Imperial!Crosshair x Reader

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Direct orders.
Working within the Empire certainly had its perks. You were always well paid for your missions too and they gave out plenty of time for you to spend your credits. Your name was feared across the galaxy with the rest of the squad you were a part of which was thrilling to you. The Empire had actually recognised your strength as an individual a while ago and had hired you to be a part of their brand new lethal squad which you couldn't say no to. At this point you were close with them all, especially your commander Crosshair. The rest of your squad always teased you for being so close with him, saying you were only after a promotion. That wasn't true though, you both just understood one another. He was going through something of his own, he hadn't discussed it with you or your squad yet though. As harsh and as numb as he was on missions, you were always with him and never disobeyed his orders. Well that was until now anyway… 

Currently you were dancing with a bunch of random people in a bar, music blaring through the speakers making the drinks upon the bar shake along with the rhythm. Were you completely out of your head with alcohol? Oh yeah one hundred percent and you almost weren't regretting it- almost. Crosshair had ordered you to finish filling out report papers and head Straight to your bunk ready for your mission tomorrow. You had kind of nearly finished signing them all off but you just needed a little rest and the only place open at two in the morning was Crimson bar. One drink seemed like an excellent idea to push you through the last of the report papers but the fruity liquid that burnt your throat reasoned with you that you deserved more. So more it was and now you were on your fourth, not being used to alcohol, dancing with complete strangers who loved your energy. Dancing for hours on end seemed to finally tire you out as your legs began to feel a little misplaced stumbling to the bar and shoving yourself onto a seat that you almost missed. There was no way in the galaxy you could get back to your sleeping quarters alone and unharmed in this current state - the room was literally beginning to spin. The multi coloured lights were blinding but contributed to the buzz of adrenaline that you felt, all previous senses being destroyed as the alcohol really hit your system. Contacting ES-02 was your first idea, She was one of your closest friends within your squad but she wouldn't come and get your she didn't disobey orders like you did even though it was all new. Without really thinking, you had already contacted Crosshair who seriously didn't seem impressed with you waking him.

"What?" He grumbled, causing you to laugh and lean back against the bar thinking about the grumpy expression that he was most certainly using now.
"You'll never guess what!" You attempted to make your voice louder than the music that sent vibrations shaking through your body which in all honesty just made you laugh even more. "I'm drunk!" Almost feeling Crosshair explode at the other end of the signal, another laugh escaped through your lips. 
"What do you mean you're out drunk?" Grinning wide at the Comm system against your arm almost like it was the Elite squads leader himself, your legs swayed back and forth against the stool you were wonkily placed upon. 
"That's not even the best part!" You squealed, way too excited for your own good at this point. "You have to come and get me!" 
"Why do I have to get you!" His voice snarled, it was something that you couldn't help but find perfect. You were the only member of the squad who wasn't afraid of his anger. To you it was completely justifiable and everybody took his commands way more seriously than they usually would have.
"'Cause I can't walk." You slurred, focusing on the lights Swirling around the room almost as if they were dancing together. Crosshair had cut the comm off but you knew he was on his way. He wouldn't leave you when you needed his help just like you wouldn't leave him if he needed you. Some time had passed in the bar, a new crowd had emerged into the room and one of them was talking to you with their arm around your shoulder. 

"I'll give you two seconds to remove your arm from them otherwise there's going to be a deadman." Crosshairs voice spoke up resulting in your eyes darting toward him with a huge smile. He was in lighter attire, a black jacket covering his white shirt and black trousers filled with an assortment of chains hanging from his pockets. His firepuncher Sniper rifle clung to his back which made you smile before focusing your gaze to the toothpick lingering against his lips. The person had already moved away after a glare which Crosshair more than happily returned. "Come on. Let's go." His words were firm, almost nearing the tone of his usual orders on the battlefield. As you stood, the room began to spin rapidly causing you to fall into Cross who caught you with ease. 
"Oops." You laughed, trying to move back but to no avail. Without another word, he lifted you up so that your head was against his shoulder and your legs were supported with one arm, the other holding your back. Walking out, the fresh and cold air slapped you in the face causing you to grogan a little and hide against his neck for some comfort. His footsteps were gentle against the gravel that crumbled beneath them and his breathing was soothing - pulling your mind back a little to muster a thank you. "Thank you Cross."
"Mhm." He replied as you both finally reached the bunks you were  assigned to. Locking you both shared a room like the other two members did. "Never disobey my orders again." His words were firm but you could tell his eyes were soft against the dark room, thankful you reached out to him before you got yourself into any trouble.
"Yes sir." You giggled, clinging onto him a little. "Let me sleep beside you?" Crosshair didn't even attempt to argue as he lay you into his bunk, getting rid of his jacket and chains before joining you against the white blankets. His arms gently wrapped around you as you let out a gentle yawn feeling the buzz of the alcohol slowly begin to subside. 
"You owe me." He chuckled a little at your red cheeks, the previous amount of alcohol leaving your face heated and your body now numb. Nodding against his warmth, you hid against him giggling a little.
"Mhm." You replied, smiling up at him before feeling sleep tug at you once more and unlike before going to Crimson Red, you actually complied and fell asleep to Crosshair's rhythmic breathing and words.
" I won't ever leave you behind, y/n."

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