Chapter 13

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Akash's POV

Shravani what a perfect name to match my name. Isn't it? Shravani Akash. Life hasn't been easy on me. I was born in a typical village which thought education was a sin. My parents didn't want me to study, they wanted me to handle our traditional business of making gingelly oil. This business has been passed on for generations. I didn't want to. I wanted to study. I just had completed my school and was waiting for my university offer letter when my parents dropped a bomb. A child marriage. I threw a huge tantrum and decided to run away but they locked me and I had no choice but to marry that girl. She was barely fifteen and she looked so scared. After the marriage I knew enough was enough. They never loved me but they just wanted me as an heir. I didn't love them either, I just wanted to escape from that hell hole. So I found an opportunity to slip away from them and catch a bus to another city.

And that's how I became a self made billionaire. I worked so hard, two jobs while studying. I had sponsors and bagged scholarships. I faced a lot of ups and downs, but I never gave up. All this while, my thoughts were still about that fifteen year old girl who I married. I was lucky to escape that hell but I couldn't bear to think what she was going through. She was the only woman who was in my life. I couldn't date any woman because it guilt tripped me. I ruined a girl's life. I just wanted to correct the mistake I did.

Few years ago when I was a bit stable, I decided to find out what happened to her. That's when I got to know that she was rescued by a woman and was adopted into a family. Relief filled me. I was able to sleep in peace after hearing that. But deep down my mind I wanted to see her. To make sure she was okay.

I got the shock of my life when I saw her at the court for the first time in years. Her features were still the same, no wonder I recognized her easily. She had grown into a confident and beautiful woman. But she wasn't able to recognize me. Maybe she had moved on. I was impressed. She was lucky to have found such nice people to help her out. I found out that she had a loving family. And when I saw the wedding chain, I couldn't control the emotions I felt. Did it still mean something to her? She hasn't moved on from the past and for some strange reason I felt happy.

I always wanted a family. Someone to call as mine. I lived alone all my life and now is the right time to settle down perhaps. And since I was already married to her, why not pursue her. I don't beleive in love. There's no such thing as love. It's all some fantasy made up thing.

But this girl, this little minion of mine was creating strange emotions in me.

One thing I understood was that I liked spending time with her. Her cute pyjamas, her cute laughter.. And many more.

I was happy, I didn't feel alone anymore. From the time I met her, I felt like I had someone with me. I felt that I wouldn't be alone anymore.

But you know I'm not going to let down my ego. (yes you sure aren't. Grumpy)

The nickname she gave me, made me smile more often. Shes so childish and precious. And when she when all ninja on me. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. What have I got myself into.

*akash pov. Hope it was upto your imaginations.

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