Chapter 6

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My sister and Deepak took alot of time to get to know each other and once they felt they were ready they agreed to marry. So guess what wedding preparations began, my mind began to wander around those brown eyes. I haven't seen him in months since the day he dropped me. Drop those thoughts aways shravani.

Wedding meant alot of visitors, my father's side relatives started coming to our house and it was fully packed. I had a hard time dealing with annoying aunties. They kept asking about when I will get married. Why can't they just ever mind their own business.  My mother was going crazy with the heavy work load and my brothers were rarely seen in the house as they were doing the preparations.

My sister was getting nervous day by day and I didn't know the right words to tell her. I made yadhav handle some of my pending cases. Finally it was the wedding day. I wore a yellow and purple kanchipuram saree and braided my long hair with flowers. I looked gorgeous as always. What! Self love is important men. While we were doing all the last minute stuff ,the person I dreaded the most entered. My father's cousin sister ,well more like we called her the witch. We hated her ,but still we had no choice but to put up with her. She was what people called a typical village gossip aunty. She knew all the gossips and she never had a filter over her mouth.

As soon as she spotted me ,her lips curved into a evil smile and she hopped towards me.
'ohh ho, how are you doing little girl'

'im doing great mami' I said trying to be polite. My mind was telling me to run.

My brothers threw me an alarming look and they started coming towards me.

I kept chanting in my head 'please don't tell anything to hurt me'

' after all that happened , you know you shouldn't dress like this, I thought you wouldnot come for the wedding'

'its my sister's wedding ,how would I miss it' I said beginning to get mad.

'why what is wrong with shravu' parthiv anna asked angrily.

'mami ,appa was calling you, you should head there'  atharv anna said trying to break the tension.

The evil lady glared at us and left.

'shortie don't pay heed to her words' parthiv anna said wiping the tears on my face.

I hate it when she keeps bringing the past. Why can't she let it go.

After all kinds of different rituals and traditions the wedding was over and my sister left to her in laws place. It was hard for us to see her leaving us but we managed.

While cleaning the house, I couldn't help but think of mami's words. Why does she think I should still live in the past. It's not my mistake that something like that happened to me. Two days passed ,and went to work. While coming home, a young man stopped my bike on the way.

' hi shravani I need to talk to you' he said hurriedly.

'sorry do I know you?' I asked him removing my helmet.

'im ajay and we went to the same law school, shravani I don't think you know me cz you were an introvert through out our college days and you rarely spoke to anyone, but I knew you from day one and I was always in love with you ,I just didn't have the guts to tell it to you then' he said quickly.

I was shocked but I regained my composure and told him that I wasn't interested.

Days passed and this boy kept troubling me. One day he got on my nerves so much that I had to break the news to him.

'look here ajay ,I told you I'm not interested not because I want to remain single o the fact that I don't like you but the fact that I'm already married. So just let me be.' I said annoyed and angry.

'what ? No you can't be! I can't see any sindoor or wedding chain' he said confused.

'you want to see my wedding chain' right , here it is ' I said pulling my chain from my blouse. The gold chain with it's pendant gleemed brightly.

After that he didn't say another word,he just left.

Frustrated I ran to the park and kept my hands on my head and cried.

Short chapter. Shravani is already married then who is it? And how did she marry. Any guesses

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