Chapter 5

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It was a Friday morning, I went to the kovil, and it was crowded. I wore a plain blue saree, braided my hair in a French plat, wore gold jimikis, bangles and a small chain. I bought some flowers from the shop nearby and clipped it to my hair, and then quickly opened the front camera of my phone and checked my self. 'Gorgeous' I mumbled to my self. After that I spent a good long time attending the vishesha poojai. I was a great murugan bakthar. (devotee of Lord murugan). After that, I sat down for few minutes and relaxed myself. Kovil is like my second home when ever I feel down, I come to the kovil and that relaxes me.

I didn't have any work at the court today, therefore I decided to have a small meet up with my friends, in the evening. I wore a crimson colored frock with high heels and left my hair loose. We spent all our time enjoying in the mall, after that we went to the beach. My friend circle was small, we were the three muskerteers, adhanya and nivi. We were friends from school and they were my best friends,the only problem is they are bit too crazy. We gossiped about random things mainly about adhanyas love life. Me and nivi are her advisors, but still the idiot never listens to us, she's always lost in her own bubble. I told them about my sisters thing and they were also excited, they had already started talking about the dresses and jewellery they would wear for her wedding. These girls are so tiring. After some time I remembered that I had to be at home early as the guys family was coming in the evening.

By the time I got home, my mother was making a fuss of how late I was.

'amma I'm not the bride' I grumbled.
'what did I tell you about coming early, go and get dressed and make sure periya baba ( nickname used for an elder daughter' big baby') is also ready.'

When I went upstairs to my sisters room, she was already ready. She was wearing a nice silk saree with workings. After having a small conversation with her, I went to get ready. I wore a simple shalwar top with matching leggings and went to the kitchen to help my mom with making some shorteats. She had already made, and I arranged them on plates.

My father announced that they were here. I and amma went to the hall and my brothers were already seated there. Oh what a suprise it was lokesh uncle and sevitha aunty. I knew them from childhood and I loved them. So it was for their son,they had asked akka. I knew his name was Deepak, but I haven't met him in a long time, maybe the last time I saw him was when I was ten. I saw him sitting awkwardly ,he looked handsome ,a perfect match was my sister.

' Deepak meet my best friend and his family' lokesh uncle called that villain.

'This is atharv and parthiv, he first introduced the boys and then turning to me he introduced me as Shravani the youngest. He greeted us and sat their uncomfortably. I made eye contact with my brothers to make sure he was comfortable.

After some time, my mother told me to bring karthika akka. I went to the room to bring her, she was so beautiful today. Anyways I brought her to the hall and the elders complimented her and they spoke to her. I noticed that the whole time Deepak bro was looking at my sister like he was in some kind of trance. Sevitha and lokesh looked at deepak who looked like he was smitten and gave each other knowing looks.

Then my mother called me to help her with bringing some extra snacks.
The elders wanted my sister and him to talk alone. After some time ,both of them returned and they were so shy.
My sister's face was red and even Deepak's ears were pink. I couldn't help giggle.

'so what do you think son?' lokesh asked.

'i.. um I.. like her' he said nervously. His mother giggled.

'but I would like to get to know her more before I could give a proper answer quickly' he added.

'what about you karthika' my father asked.

'i like him too' she said looking down at the floor trying to push a stray hair strand behind her ear.
Yay,she's getting married ,I'm so happy for her.

Then all of the elders spoke about how they would give time for the two to decide and they left after sometime.

I couldn't help teasing my sister, she said he was so soft and gentle when he spoke, and they even exchanged numbers. I was so happy for her.

I went to bed happily but when I thought about my self ,I couldn't help become sad. I would never experience the things my sister is. I felt like someone threw a cold bucket of water on me,when the garage reality set it. No family would want a girl like me. It's fine atleast I can live in my imagination world,like I always did. When my friends were busy dating and talking to guys I always daydreamed about an imaginary guy.

I realized I was crying. Why did it have to me. What sin did I do to deserve such a big punishment. Everyone wanted me for their sons but when they knew about my past ,they didn't want me anymore. It took me years to come out of that trauma but when people kept putting me down for that,it still haunted me.

That night I had terrible nightmares and I couldn't sleep. No matter how much I tried to move on ,I know this was always going to be etched in my mind,body and soul.

When I woke up the next day ,I had dark circles and my eyes were bloodshot. I didn't want my parents to be worried about me so I came up with a lie that I had to stay up to complete a document.

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