Chapter 28

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10 Years later

I take long, confident strides into the ball room. Memories flash though my mind, memorise I wish I could forget but know I can't, memories I know are an important part of who I am now.


As we entered the ball room, all eyes were on us, I tried to distract myself from the intense gaze of horny Mafia men by admiring the elegant ball room.

It was massive, white pillars decorated with golden flower pattens held up the second floor that surrounded the ball room like an inside balcony. The floor was white marble and a red carpet led from the door and up the wide, fancy staircase to the second floor. Dotted around the edge of the ball room were dozens of round tables with white table cloths, the middle of the room was left clean for dancing. Waiters walked around the room with silver trays filled with glasses of champagne or fancy nibbles.

It hadn't changed a bit, the room looked the exact same it had all those years ago when I was being dragged here by my padre to find a suitable husband. Looking down at my wife - who was wearing an elegant dark red dress that accentuated her curves and had a long, teasing slit up her right leg, her long, pitch black curly hair was cascading down her back in mesmerising box braids and even with her golden high heals she barely reached my shoulder - I smiled, my parents always wanted me to marry, though I don't think they quite expected me to be standing at the alter in navy blue suit watching my beautiful bride sway down the aisle in a long, wondrously white wedding dress.

Mia's small arm was wrapped around mine as we marched into the ball room, getting nods of respect from everyone we passed. Feeling more confident than I ever had, in the red suit that I picked out so long ago, I took a few steps away from Mia before holding my hand out to her and asking "May I have this dance?" She giggled and took my hand in hers "Of course you may" she said softly and I wrapped my other arm around her waist as we swayed on the dance floor.

The ball room its self may not have changed but the people inside it sure have. It took a bit of convincing but after many successful business decisions and only a few dozen kills I managed to gain the respect and loyalty of who previously were my fathers men. I changed a couple hundred rules and made it compulsory for every Mafia child to learn self defence from the age of ten, no matter the gender, but gave them a choice of whether they wanted to continue mafia life or not once they were eighteen.

Now it's pretty much a fifty - fifty ratio of men a women in my mafia, and there a faire few lgbtq members. Not to mention that annual giving- your- daughter-away-to- an -old rich - guy ball had been traded for The Start of Pride Month Ball, which is much more fun.

As the song came to end my eyes locked onto Leo's and I smiled, guiding Mia off the dance floor and towards him, Leo matched my smile with his own, brighter than it had ever been. As I neared him my eyes clocked onto the girl next to him with her arm looped through his, I raise an eyebrow at him suggestively and he rolls his eyes back.

Momentarily stepping away from the girl pressed to his side, he walked up to me and wrapped me up in a bear hug "Long time no see little bro" I said playfully as we parted, Leo had decided to leave the Mafia shortly after I had claimed the thrown. He had ever liked being part of this life full of danger and death so he moved to the opposite part of the city, where the Mafia has less control, and took up his dream of becoming an artist. I supported him for while while he found his footing but soon enough he became completely self sufficient and quite a well known artist.

For the past few months he had been dominating our weekly phone calls with love sick information about a girl he had met at one of his art showings and I knew instantly that the small, beautiful girl next him was the mystery girl who had stolen my brothers heart. She was just as beautiful as he had described but a completely different kind of beauty that I had grown up witnessing, just like Mia was.

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