Chapter 7

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I ran. I ran and I didn't stop until the 24hour coffee shop came into view. I slowed down to a jog, until I saw Mia exiting the shop and I picked my pace back up again. My lungs were burning, my legs and arms were aching and I felt sick start to make it's way up my throat, but I didn't stop. I wasn't going to stop, not until I was looking into those captivating brown eyes of hers.

"Mia!" I called out once I knew I was in earshot of her "Mia wait!" She turned around, looking at me with a confused expression, then started walking towards and I finally came to a stop, panting loudly, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead "what are doing here Gabby?" She asked, sounding annoyed, I knew she was mad at me and she had every right to be "I know that you're mad at me and you have every right to be, I know you probably hate me right now and trust me I hate myself too, for what did. That's kinda why I'm here" I said, still panting hard, my legs begging me to sit down "my god, how far have you ran Mia? Come on let's sit down and get you some water" Mia says, walking back in the direction of the coffee shop, I trailed behind her, glad that she was hearing me out.

Once we entered the shop, it was empty except for the waitress behind the counter, I sat down at a red leather booth while Mia walked up to counter for some water, she came downstairs back with a plastic water bottle for me and a cup of tea for her "ok, go on then, apologise" she said bluntly, taking a sip of her tea "ok" I said, finally able to control my breathing

"Well, you see I umm" this was harder than I thought it would be "I-I'm not really sure how I feel or why I feel this way towards you, I've never really...felt like...this before and well to be honest I never thought I feel this about a...woman. I was in denial, telling myself that I can't like you the way I do but my friend talked to me and... I guess I'm just trying to figure this all out, my parents aren't very... accepting of this... sort of thing" I said, shakily "wait you like me?" Was all Mia said, her eyes going wide "I mean... I think about you all the time, I miss you when I'm not with you and after I ran out on you all I wanted to do was hit something and cry and hit something again" I replied, suddenly finding the floor extremely interesting "me too" she replied, gently placing her hand on mine, I looked up and couldn't stop the smile forming on my face "don't get me wrong I like you, I replied do but can we just... you know-"
"Take it slow, get to know each other first, don't put labels on it just yet?" She cut me off, I nodded in reply "of course, I was in your position when I was 14, confused about my sexuality, scared about what my parents and amigos might think, I get it and I'm here if you need to talk about it" she said as our fingers intertwined with each other's "thank you" I breathed.

We just looked into each other's eyes, memorising every detail of each other's faces before I looked up at the clock on wall behind the counter-4:23-I still had some time "how about we go for a walk" I said, standing up, our hands still clasped together "sure" she replied softly. We walked hand in hand out of the coffee shop, towards the local park.

We walked in a comfortable silence, until she broke it "how about we play 20 questions and get to know each other a bit?" She asked, looking up at me "sure, you go first" I replied, looking back down at her. "Ok, favourite colour?"
"Red, dark red. You?" I replied
"Sky blue"
"Ok, favourite movie?" It went on like this for over an hour, we went way over 20 questions, but neither of us wanted to stop. "Ok, now for the most important question of all" Mia said, looking at me devilishly "what's your phone number?" I chuckled at that and typed my number into her phone, as I gave it back to her I caught a glimpse of the time-6:04- shit! "Oh god, I've really got to get home" I said sadly "oh shit, me too I have uni in 3 hours" she said, looking down at her phone "call me tomor- I mean later?" I asked "of course" she replied, planting a small kiss on my cheek before skipping off the opposite direction to me.

When I got home, by some kind off miracle, no one was up, except Al, who was laying on my bed, still wide awake "considering how long you took it either went really well, or super bad" he said as I climbed through the window and lay next him "she's amazing" I breathed, still in shock from the small yet meaningful kiss she gave me, "you're so whipped" she replied, chuckling "am not" I said, pouting like a five year old "am too" he replied, poking my side "am not" I mumbled, though I knew he was right, I already missed her.

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