Chapter 21

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The drive towards my old home seemed to take only seconds, while the drive away from it, only a couple of painful days before, seemed to take days.

I parked the car at the very end of the street, close enough to sprint to but far enough away that it wouldn't be suspicious, and sat there for a couple of seconds, preparing myself for what was about to happen. I'm going to have to fight, and possibly kill, my own father. Was I really ready for this? He may be a dîck but he's still my dad, can I really stomach throwing a knife through his chest? No. The answer was no. But that didn't matter. It didn't matter whether I was ready or not, the girl I love was in danger and I was going to get to her. No matter what I had to go through.

I took a deep breath, stepped out the car and began walking toward the house without saying a word. It was when I looked back and my eyes caught Leo's when I realised how hard this must be for him. My papa was never a father to me, he liked to pretend I didn't exist unless he could parade me around like a trophy or use me as a punching bag.

But he was a father to Leo, he adored Leo for simply being a boy and that meant he taught him everything, hung out with him at every chance he got, and most importantly, he loved him. Although Leo knows that my father is a bad man, that doesn't mean he doesn't love him. I don't blame him for that, Leo never saw the bad side of my father until it was too late, he could help but form a bond with him and that bond isn't just going to magically disappear.

I was too busy thinking about how hard this could be for me that I completely forgot about Leo, he's going to have to against the man he's looked up to pretty much his entire life.

How could I have been so selfish?

I stopped in my tracks and waited for Al and Leo to catch up "what's up?" Al asks "I just need a minute with my brother" I replied, telling him to give us some privacy, he immediately understood, like he always does and walked back towards the car.

"What are you doing? We need to get to Mia as quickly as possible" Leo said, confused "are you ok?" Was my reply as I looked into eyes and saw them soften "I'm fine" he muttered, avoiding my gaze. "You're obviously lying, you're about to up against papa, you can't be ok" I said in a quiet voice "fine, I'm not ok but I'm better than you are right now and we don't have time to cry about it. Yeah, it's going to be hard to fight papa but sometimes the hardest things to do are what's best" Leo replied, wise as ever "now let's go get your girl" he said, beckoning Al over to us.

"Done being sappy?" Al asked, to which we nodded "alright, here goes nothing" I sighed, before we carried on towards the house.

**. **. **. **. **. **. **

The walk seemed to take hours, though I knew it had barely been five minutes. The three of us stood dead still, in defining silence as we stared at the gates I had climbed over every Saturday night for years. The last time I had done that seemed like decades ago, though it had only been a couple of week's.

The defining thought that Mia, my Mia, was inside the building in front of me filled me with hope, rage and fear, a dangerous mixture of emotions that I will never understand.

The urge to storm through the gates and into the mansion, killing anything that dares to get in my way, increased the longer we stood there. I knew it would be a stupid idea. I knew that it would probably get us all killed. I knew that we should stick to the plan and stay together.

But did that stop me?


I ran faster than I had ever ran before, I climbed the gate so quickly I barely remember doing it at all, killing the two guards in seconds though I didn't stay long enough to even see a drop of blood. And before I had comprehended how quickly I had just written my suicide note, I was breaking the lock on the dark oak double doors and stepping onto the cold, white marble floor.

Silence engulfed me and I stood there, fully expecting to be attacked by dozens of armed men, but I was greeted only by the sound of my deep, shaky breaths echoing off the walls.

"What the fûck is wrong with you?" All growled through his teeth, shaking with rage as he grabbed hold of elbowed as if to stop me from running off again "where is everyone?" I questioned, completely ignoring Al's question and yanking you arm free from his bruising grip.

"I guess they don't know about Brando yet" Leo said, calm as ever. "They probably still think we're in hiding, maybe they think Al would've slowed us down" Leo said, his eyes darting around the hall for any threats "why would I slow you down? I'll have you know I am a way better fighter than you and-"
"-because you were beaten to a pulp when we found you, you still practically are, they just don't know how little you care for your own safety" Leo replied, annoyed.

Al didn't reply to Leo's comment and instead muttered something along the lines of "I prefer the word determined" under his breath. I tuned them out and soon realised how we could use this to our advantage. My papa and his men have no idea that we're here, or even that we've kidnapped Brando, they probably aren't even expecting us anytime soon. We have the element of surprise and if any of the spy movies are right, we've basically already won this war.

"I've got a plan" I announced, spinning around to face the boys as their eyes shot to me, filled with eagerness.

"Are you actually going to follow this one or are you just going to sprint if towards your papas office and kill him. And yourself. And us." Al joked once I had finished explaining. I rolled my eyes at him and started off towards the stairs "hey, I was serious, are you?" Was the last thing I heard before disappeared up the staircase.

Omg, thank you guys so much for 13k!!! And for all of ur wonderful comments, I really love reading them.

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