Chapter 10- TW, aubusive content!!!!

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As soon as I clambered through my window I quickly stashed the shopping bags in the back of my wardrobe and was about to change into one of the itchy dresses my parents make me wear, when my bedroom door was opened and  slammed shut so hard the walls shook.

I didn't have to look to know who it was. Papa. And I certainly didn't have look to know how angry he was. Furious. He knows I snuck out of the house. To say he wasn't happy about it was an understatement.

"Where the cazzo have you been?" He roared, taking a step closer to me with every word "h-here" I all but whispered as I shrank back timidly. "How dare you lie to me? First you run off thinking we were dumb enough to not notice our own figilia's (daughters) disappearance and then you have the audacity to lie about it?" He bellowed, taking more steps towards me until my back connected with the cold brick wall "you disrespecting piccola Merida (little shit)"

My head whipped to side as my cheek burned, immediately my had went to the place my cheek stung and I slowly turned my head back to look at my papa.

I wish I could say I was shocked. I wish I could say that I never thought he would put his hands on me. But I won't lie. My padre has been hitting me, my mama and on occasion Leo for longer than I can remember, it was practically a Mafia tradition, for the man in family to hit his wife and kids. And I knew that this little slap was the least bit of pain he would cause me tonight.

"You're lucky the Galla is soon or you would be in a lot more trouble" he spat, for the first time I was grateful that I was going to be stuffed into a revealing dress and paraded in-front of men all day.

As my papa threw punches at my stomach I silently cursed myself, I knew that if I were to stand up and fight, I would win. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Even after everything, hitting me, treating me like shit, hating me for being born with uterus and preparing to sell me off to another violent fica (cunt), I still couldn't bring myself to stand the fuck up and break his nose. Why? I had no idea, I guess some part of me just wanted him to love me and although I knew that would happen, I couldn't help yearning for it.

Sorry it's a short chapter, been busy since we just got sent back to school here in the UK. Thank you soooo much for over 500 reads, this is crazy!!! Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to comment!!!

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