Chapter 6

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I was laying in bed trying, but failing miserably, to get to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about my almost kiss with Mia. What would've happened if her mama didn't call? Was running away a bad idea? Why can't I stop thinking about it? These questions whirled around my head, making me dizzy. I needed to get my mind off things.

I changed and headed downstairs to the gym, the fact that it was 11:30pm on a Sunday didn't even cross my mind as I started throwing knives at the target. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate I just couldn't, the knives were going anywhere but the middle of target and my frustration just kept building up. I gritted my teeth and tried again, the knife landed next the target and jammed into the wall, that was my worst yet. I trudged over to the wall and started trying to pry the knife out of it, it was well and truly stuck. I carried on tugging at it, gritting my teeth, my cheeks started to heat up and angry tears filled with regret and guilt blurred my vision. I screamed in frustration and the tears spilled over my cheeks, I quickly wiped them away, turned around and slid down the wall, I sat there with my back leaning against the wall and my knees to my chest, desperately trying to hold back tears.

I heard a deep sigh from next to me and looked up, Alessandro slowly sat down next me, "what's wrong" it was more of a statement than a question "everything" I replied, my voice cracking "tell me" he persisted "fine, but don't tell anyone, even Leo"
"Gabessandro" he replied, I chuckled slightly at that. When we were kids Al, me, Leo and a few other kids, I only see at balls or galas, used to play spy's, we would choose an object and put it in the attic, split into two teams and the first one to the get the object wins, we took it really seriously, with double agents and everything. Gabessandro, which is both of our names put together, was our code word to say that we were on the same team, to make sure neither of us were double crossing each other, but it became so much more than that and now it is the ultimate swear, if one of us breaks it our friendship is over. "Okay." I took in a deep breath "well, at the party I went to last Saturday I saved this girl from these pedos and after that I couldn't stop thinking about her. But not in like a friendship way in a... different way." I glanced over at him, his expression hadn't changed, he was still listening intently, not bothered by what I had just said "I saw her again last night working at a 24 hour coffee shop, her friends were there and we all started talking, it was the most fun I've had in ages but after her friends left things got...interesting" I sighed again before pushing on "we may have almost kissed before her phone rang and then I may have ran away as fast as could and now I hate myself for it and I don't know why" I said, putting my head in my hands, ashamed. "Get up, wrap your knuckles" Al said, before wrapping his knuckles, I did what he told me to. This was his way of playing therapist, I have a bad temper and sometimes when people give me advice, even if it's good advice, I get a bit angry and end up punching something, usually the person giving the advice. So Al makes me punch a punching bag whenever we he's giving me advice or we're having a deep conversation. "Sounds to me that you like this girl but you're afraid of your feelings" as usual he hit the nail on the head first time "I can't like a that, it-it's not natural" I said, punching the bag harder "it's perfectly natural Gabby, it's called being a lesbian"
"But Mama and Papa said-"
"What your mama and papa said is wrong, I've looked into this sorta stuff and there are tons of gay animals, believe it or not, it's part of biology" he cut me off, then something occurred to me "why'd you look into it?" I asked
"Well...don't get mad, but I always kinda suspected that you might be lesbian and after hearing what your parents thought about it I knew you would deny it and get yourself all worked up about it, so I did some research"
I looked up from a the bag, I felt angry but touched at the same time "you knew? How?" I asked, I mean how did he know if even I didn't know? "It was obvious, you never showed any interest in guys, you even said that you didn't think Tom Holland was that sexy and you look at Zendaya the same way my sister looks at Chris Evans" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. I just laughed, knowing exactly what he was talking about "Mia's even hotter than Zendaya" I said and started punching the bag again, not out of frustration but just because I liked it "I'd love to meet this Mia" he replied, smirking "hey, back off" I said, punching him playfully in the arm "but what do I do now, I just ran out on her, I don't even have her phone number" I said, frustrated again "well, is she working tonight?"
"I think so" I replied, unsure
"Then go back to coffee shop and tell her how feel" he said, obviously proud of himself.
"But how do I feel?" I asked, still confused and frustrated with my feelings "just tell her that you are figuring things out with you sexuality and you think you like her but need to take things slow and figure your shit out, but don't say shit, that kinda ruins it" he says, starting to punch the bag next to me "ok, I'll do it" I let a breath I didn't know I was holding, it felt good to talk to someone about it. Al really was a great friend. I looked at the clock on the wall 3:45, I had 15 minutes until her shift ended, I can make it.

I unwrapped my knuckles and ran to the door, I stopped in the door way "if I'm not back by the time my parents and fratello wake up, cover for me"I told Al before sprinting up the stairs and flinging open the front door. That's when I realised, the guards. Shit. I quickly jumped behind the bush below the balcony attached to my bedroom and waited for the guards to leave their post. Once they were gone, I ran. I ran faster than I've ever ran before.

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