Chapter 3

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As I trekked back to my house I just couldn't get the beautiful girl I had just met off my mind. All I could think about seeing her again, tasting her luscious li-wait...what? No, don't think like that, you can't think like that. Not about a girl. I said to myself almost scared at the 18 plus thoughts pulsing through my mind.

As I approached my house I forced myself to push these thoughts away and concentrated on getting back inside without being caught. The guards where already circling the perimeter of the house when I approached, so I immediately climbed the fence and sprinted to the drain pipe I had slid down a few hours before. I climbed it almost as quickly as I had slid down it, with no complications and soon enough I was on my balcony again. I opened my balcony door and walked into my bedroom, where my brother stood, his arms crossed, looking angry. Shit.

"Hey fratello (brother), what brings you hear at quarter to five in the morning?" I asked, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible. "Cut the crap Gabriella" oh no, he used my full name, he only every does that when he's angry, usually he calls me Gabby or sorella (sister). My brother is two years younger than me but because he's the only son my father raised him as the second in command, meaning he acts like he's higher up than me, which I guess technically he is, him being next in line to take over as boss and all. My brother, Leonardo, and I look quite alike, with the same thick, dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin, he's tall, 6,1, but I'm quite tall too, especially for a girl, so he doesn't seem so big to me. He's strong, with prominent muscles, but only because my papa forced him to go to the gym every day since the age of 12, he's not one of those guys who are practically born with a six pack, like my papa.
"Where the cazzo (fuck) have you been?!" He said, his nostrils flaring "umm.. I was just on the balcony, I woke up a couple minutes ago and couldn't get back to sleep so I thought some fresh air might help" I said, praying that he was gullible enough to believe me "oh really? And sleep in that do you?" My prayers we not answered "y-yeah?" I replied, knowing I was caught red handed. "Listen Gabriella, I know you sneak out every Saturday night when you think everyone is asleep and it was fine, but you're 18 in a few weeks and this rebellious behaviour has to stop" he knew? All this time and didn't say anything about it? Wow, I didn't know my caro fratello (dear brother) could commit such treason against my papa. I thought, in complete shock, my brother was such a goody-two-shoes and would suck up to any adult, especially my papa, at every chance he got. "You can't tell me what to do" I say, crossing my arms, mimicking his stance "no, but papa can"
"You can't tell papa, you know what he'll do" I pleaded
"I won't tell papa if you swear to me you will stop rebelling and learn how to-"
"How to what?" I cut him off "how to stand around with fake smile on my face looking pretty? Or how to be a good slave, sorry I mean wife!" I said, angry "that's not what I meant, and being a wife is nothing like being a slave, Gabby"
"Are you sure about that? Let's see, the definition of a slave is some one who has been sold to someone else against their will and is forced to obey their every command. What's going to happen to me once I'm 18? Oh right, papa is going sell me to one of his Mafia amigos where I will be forced to become his wife and obey his every command. Sounds a whole lot like being a slave to me." I whisper-shouted, not wanting to wake up my parents. "You're taking this way out of proportion, it'll be fine I bet you'll even enjoy being wife." I snorted at that "but sneaking out every week, getting drunk and sleeping around, is just gonna make it a whole lot worse, so stop. It's for your own good"
Yeah, I sneak out every night and I may have a few drinks, but I'm always careful not to drink too much, I've never even had a proper hang over, and I definitely do not sleep around, I'm still a virgin, though that's only really because I've never really been interested in men, in fact the only person I've ever been interested in was the beautiful girl I saved less than an hour earlier no! I not interested in her...I can't be! I didn't say any of this to Leonardo of course "fine" I grumbled, knowing that if I pushed any further he might tell papa. "Thank you, this is for your own good Gabby, try and get some sleep" he said before walking out the room, once I knew he was back in his room, which was on the other side of the enormous corridor, I punched my bed side table. I was so angry, angry at Leonardo for being such a prick, angry at myself for getting caught and most of all angry at this world for making me part of the Mafia. The table cracked and knuckles split and started to bleed, but I didn't care. Leo was turning into our papa, in a few weeks I was going to be sold like cattle and all I wanted was the one person I could never have, her!

Hope you like it so far!!

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