Chapter 12

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As we entered the ball room, all eyes were on us, I tried to distract myself, from the intense gaze of horny Mafia men, by admiring the elegant ball room.

It was massive, white pillars decorated with golden flower pattens held up the second floor that surrounded the ball room like an inside balcony. The floor was white marble and a red carpet led from the door and up the wide, fancy staircase to the second floor. Dotted around the edge of the ball room were dozens of round tables with white table cloths, the middle of the room was left clean for dancing. Waiters walked around the room with silver trays filled with glasses of champagne or fancy nibbles.

I could imagine myself in the red suit, slow dancing with Mia, looking into her chocolate eyes as the rest of the world falls away- "Gabriella, I have someone who'd love to meet you" my papas voice broke me out of my day dream, reminding me that, that's all it was, a dream.

My papa yanked me away from Al's arm and dragged me over to a man who looked around my papas age, I looked back at Al, who was busy starring holes into papa, if looks could kill he would have been bleeding out on the floor.

"Gabriella, I would like you to meet Brando Romano, he is a very successful business man and one of our key investors" Brando was big, not quite as big as papa or Al but still big, he was around 6,3 and I could see his muscles bulging through his shirt, however his size and muscles didn't make him attractive, well not to me at least, instead it made him dangerous, his aura screamed "do as I say or I'll hurt you"

The lust in his eyes as they raked up and down my body just increased my anxiety "she is rather tall, but her luscious curves and young face counts that out" Brando husked, stroking my cheek "she is rather feisty but I trust you could turn her into the perfect, obedient wife" papa said, an evil glint in his eyes. "Trust me amico (friend) in a months time she will follow every order without hesitation" Brando's eyes had settled on my chest, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to look away.

"I have some business to get to, but I will see you soon mia piccola bellezza (my little beauty)" Brando said, kissing my hand before strutting towards a group of men with overly expensive watches "go and mingle, you better behave" papa whispered, following Brando.

I stood there, paralysed by shock and disgust. That was the man I was going to marry in two days. "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, remember what I said, it's all going to be ok, you're going to be ok" Al's soft voice said in a comforting tone as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'll do everything I can to stop him from touching you, I promise" he whispered, as I returned the hug and buried my face in his chest.

Al made me feel a little reassured but my heart still wouldn't stop beating at a thousand miles per hour, I knew exactly what they meant by "turning me into the perfect, obedient wife." He was going to beat me. He was going to beat me until I submitted to him. I knew that I could probably win in a one on one fight but knowing Mafia men, if I were to fight him, he would just get more men to beat me and I may be a great fighter but I couldn't take on multiple men at a time, not without a weapon.

I took a deep breath. No. I will not let two people boss me around just because they were born with dîcks and a silver spoon shoved their arses. I'm going to fight. And I'm not going to stop fighting.

After my inner pep talk I released Al and calmed my rushing heart "you're strong Gabby, way too strong to give up now, just keep going, just for a little while. I'll say it again. Its gonna be ok" Al stated, looking me eyes "why do you keep saying that?" I asked, still holding his intense gaze. "You'll see" he replied, shooting me a wink and flashing his cocky smirk. "What-"
"Gabriellaaaa" a high pitched voice sang, interrupting me "hi, zia (auntie)" I said, as a real smile graced my face since I had last seen Mia.

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