Chapter 16

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Ripping my eyes open the events of last night replayed in my mind like some twisted love-horror movie. Mia. Oh God, please be ok. Tears pooled in my eyes at the inevitable but heart shattering thought of her her kind heart no longer beating. 

No! No, don't think like that. She's alive, I can feel it. And I'm going to save her.

My tears disappeared faster than they appeared as my sadness turned into anger. Red hot rage. I pulled myself off the floor, trudging into my attached bathroom, and quickly washed my bleeding knuckles in the sink, taking deep breath's in a futile attempt to calm my blinding rage.

I splashed ice cold water on my face and looked up at the mirror. I looked awful. I looked sick. Mascara and eyeliner was smudged around my tired eyes, my hair noted and greasy. Hastily I grabbed makeup remover and cotton pads, I rubbed vigorously at my eyes and them moved on to the rest of my face, clumpy makeup coming off in buckets. I whipped the hair tie and clips from my trashed bun and tugged and pulled at the thousands of nots in my hair.

I must have been in that bathroom for nearly an hour, trying to make myself look human. I walked back into my bedroom, planning on changing into fighting gear, but stopped in my tracks when I heard the familiar click of the lock in the door. My heart froze, along with the rest of my body, as the door knob slowly turned.

The door flew open with a familia powerful thrust as my papa stepped into the room. He was almost as angry as me. Almost. Still in his suit from last night, he took slow, heavy stomps towards me "you disgusting, selfish little bîtch" papa roared, spit flying from his mouth "how dare you call me that when you're the real monster here" I roar back. I wasn't afraid anymore. I was angry. So fûcking angry.

His hands curled into fists as he pulled his arm back, ready to deliver a right hook to my face. Big mistake. I wasn't going to let him push me around anymore. I wasn't  his little rag doll that he can toss around and play with. I was a fighter. I was going to fight. And I was going to win.

Before his fist made contact with my face I grabbed it in a strong grip, too shocked to defend himself I looked him dead in they eye as I twisted his wrist. Crack. The sickly, satisfying sound of his wrist braking in two pounded through my ears like music. I smirked as papa screeched out in pain, I quickly shut him up with a powerful punch to the nose, hearing yet another sickly satisfying crack.

The punch made him stumble back, holding his nose as crimson blood rand down his disgusting face and dripped into his once white shirt. The minute he recovered from my blow, looking at me with the deadliest look I had ever seen, I punch him again. In the throat. Stumbling even further back while holding his throat and making a screeching nose that sound like a strangled cat, I laughed. I laughed just like he laughed all those time he punched the air from my lungs.

"You know, I've always been a big believer in karma, but who says I'm not karma?" I sneered before kicking where it hurts the most, sending him to his knees, I grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his head into the wooden floor, knocking him out cold. "I hope the headache you'll have when you wake up lasts forever" I spat at his unconscious body, whilst dragging him to a chair in the corner of the room and tying him up with my bed sheets.

I got changed into black jeans, a black top, black leather jacket and black army boots before wrapping a belt with holders, for weapons, around my waist. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail as I jogged out my bedroom.

Ok, I need a plan. I need to find Al and Leo, ASAP.

My first stop was Leo's room, I silently cheered when I found it unlocked but my cheering was short lived as I opened the door to find it empty.

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