Chapter 24

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Footsteps get louder and louder as my padre and I stare each other down in complete silence. This was a game to him, something to keep him entertained and change his every day routine. To him I was just a piece on the chess board, a piece he could kill in one move. To him I was one of the many inferior players in his infamous game. 

What he didn't know was that I was about to show him how this game was really played. What he didn't know was that the chess piece he could kill so quickly, could kill him even quicker. What he didn't know was that the game no longer belonged to him. 

I could've whipped my knives out and stabbed in the chest a dozen times in three seconds flat, but I didn't. I didn't because I wanted to show everyone that women aren't weak, or inferior, or dumb, or useless. I wanted to show all these misogynists that women can take them out of this world just as easily has they put them in. 

I was about to prove everything that they had ever believed wrong, I was about to change their whole way of thinking, I was about to turn their world upside down. And I was going to do it with a smile on my face. 

I smiled a wicked smile as the door flew off its hinges, I made no move to fight back as the men sitting around the table stood up and held their guns to my head, I don't move a muscle as the men who had just blew the door into oblivion restrained my arms. I let them move my body however they wanted as I stared at my padre, still smiling wildly. 

I watched with delight as my padres smirk slowly started to fall while mine grew, I watched as all the men froze in confusion and I just smiled wider as I saw the light flicker in their eyes, as they lowered their guns and started to laugh together, I chuckled softly as I heard them talking about how easily I had given up and chuckled louder as they went on and on about how dramatic women are. 

Papa was the first to notice as I chuckled more and more, then one by one each man in the room stared at me with terrified confusion as I laughed at them all. The room fell back into silence as all the men looked at me, confusion etched onto their faces. 

I just stared back at them, I stared through them and into their souls as I stopped laughing and let my smile slowly fall, as all my psychotic playfulness disintegrated into pure rage. Then I looked my padre in the eyes as I whistled a loud, defining whistle.

More confusion and shock followed the whistle as I rolled my neck, hearing it crack and loosen as I readied myself for a fight. I shut my eyes closed only half a second before the huge window behind my padre, at the head of the table, on the opposite side of the room to me shattered, sending a storm of high pitched thunder pounding though everyone's ears, opening my eyes I watched clear daggers fly through the air, some embedding themselves into mens bodies and others getting lost in the walls, table or floor. 

A searing pain shot up my right arm and I looked down to see a few tiny pieces of glass sinking into it, painting my black gear a dangerous shade of red. I didn't scream or cry or panic, instead I yanked my arms out of the death grip they were held in and punched the two men, previously restraining me, in the face. Both men fell to the floor, clutching at their bloody noses. I cut their throats as quickly as I had punched them and watched as they gagged on their own blood, crying out in pain. Rolling my eyes at their dramatics, I made my way towards my brother who was concentrating an excessive amount on killing any approaching men.

"that was quite a dramatic entrance, fratello" I sassed as one of my knives soared the air and landed in the back of a mans head "you were the one who came up with the plan, sorella" he shot back, still squinting his eyes in concentration "what took you so long anyway, we were beginning to think you'd been killed" he asked as he fired another shot and smiled slightly at the sight of it landing bang in the middle of a bald mans head "just father daughter banter" I replied, putting one man into a choke hold and stabbing another simultaneously. Leo rolled his eyes and muttered "show off" as I shot him mocking wink and made my way towards Al, dodging bullets and throwing knives on my way.

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