Twenty-Eight ♚

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|| HYEWON ||

"You shouldn't be here, Cameron. You should be with the rest of the family."

It had been a while since Hanjin left. Cameron and I both went up to my room where we sit on the floor, leaning against my bed while looking at the ceiling.

"But you are my family, and I'd rather be here with you than them." Cameron pats my back. I smile weakly at him, despite my mood being fairly low. He was wearing a white suit, and his bowtie was a sparkly hot pink.

"I just feel so defeated. I really wanted to go to this party but now I can't." I sigh. For once in my life, I only wanted to escape all my pressure and depression, and have one night where I can be myself. But now it's all gone.

"Maybe you can still go," Cameron says, making me lift an eyebrow. He jumps to his feet. "You'll just need to get a new dress that was as beautiful as this one! And then you can go to the party and make everyone bow down in awe!"

I laugh at him. "That's nice, but I doubt that'll be possible. I don't have any fancy dresses for a ball and we can't get a dress on such short notice. Besides, it's a masquerade ball, where am I supposed to find another mask?"

"Where did you get the dress your wearing right now?"

"I found it in that box that used to belong to grandma. But I searched through the whole thing already. This was the only nice dress in there and it's ruined." I answer him. I expect him to give up, but instead, he goes diving into the cardboard box. I ignore him, staring solemnly at the window where the sunset was slowly arriving in Seoul.

"Are you sure there are no good dresses in this box?" Cameron says joyfully. I turn my head back to him and see a baby blue dress being held in his hands. The dress in itself was gorgeous to the point where all my previous sadness disappeared instantly.

The sleeves reached to my elbows and the top part was made out of almost sheer lace fabric. The sparkles and pearls on the dress shown brightly as if each was hand-embroidered perfectly by hand. The skirt of the dress was fluffy and reached onto the floor, leaving a simple trail.

My feet bring me up as I wipe my dry tears, holding up the dress against my body. Compared to the stained yellow dress, it could never compare to this one in my hands. It was luxurious, eye-catching but simple at the same time.

It feels as if this dress was made for me.

"There's some jewelry in the box for the dress, too. And a note, I think?" Cameron shrugs his shoulders at the last part. I place the dress down, bending down and leaning into the box where a handful of pearl jewelry laid.

But he was right, there was also a note. I pick it up and hear myself gasp when reading it.

"For my dear Angelina Wu, who I miss dearly. May this dress be dedicated to you, and our eternal love for each other."


After putting on the dress, jewelry, and mask, Cameron and I head down in Taeyoung's car to the ball.

"I'm nervous. Are you nervous? I'm starting to sweat a lot, I think I might have to head to the hospital-" I anxiously rant on and on from the passenger's seat to Taeyoung before he interrupts me.

"You're going to be fine, Hyewon. You look like a literal princess, I swear you're going to knock everyone off their feet." He pats my back warmingly. "Now let's get in there!"

I smile at him before all three of us jump out of the car and give our tickets in before walking into the nursing home. "I'm going to hand with some of my friends," Cameron says, heading towards a group of students his age.

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