Four ♚

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|| HYEWON ||

Hanjin had already forgotten and moved on from the whole party fiasco yesterday. But I haven't.

Going at this point would be impossible because mom called me yesterday and told me I was grounded and forbidden to go anywhere this week (don't ask me the reason, I barely know myself. But I suspect it might have been Hanjin's doings...).

Yet, I still find myself laying on my bed on a Saturday evening after dinner, pondering about the said party. More specifically, the Soobin boy that is hosting it.

Like I stated before, Hanjin has only ever had one crush before this Soobin guy. For her to like someone, there has to be some crazy reason as to why. Maybe he's super attractive, or he's smart? Either way, I'm intrigued.

I know it sounds silly, but I'd like to meet him. Just to see if it's another hallucination of Hanjin's or if he's really all that. But if I'm correct, it's probably just Hanjin over-exaggerating. She tends to do that often.

Who am I kidding? I can't leave the house anyway. I guess my question will forever remain unanswered. Well, unanswered until they probably get engaged. And knowing Hanjin, that'll be in a year or two.


A voice softly speaks from the stairs of the attic, calling for me. My eyes turn to the young boy who was silently standing there, rubbing his eyes while wearing his pyjamas. He's truly precious. "Yes, Cameron?" I ask, getting up and walking towards him.

"You're friend is at the door." He says quietly. Taeyoung. I think to myself. I mean, I don't have any other friends, so it has to be him. I follow Cameron down the stairs and to the main floor where I saw the boy standing at the front door.

"Taeyoung, I told you I'm grounded. And you can only hang out on Sundays anyway." I ask as Taeyoung ignores me, walking into the house and up the stairs to my room, leaving me flabbergasted.

I didn't have any choice but to follow him to my room, where he jumps onto my bed, making me more confused. "Okay, why are you here? Did something happen?" I ask concerned. Taeyoung wasn't one to break the rules, so for him to come here when he knows he can't is unlike him.

"Oh sorry, I just wanted to be here when I do your makeup and pick your outfit."

"Do my makeup and pick my outfit—Taeyoung, what are you on?" I ask confusingly, sitting on my desk chair as I look at him.

"Um, for the party?" He says as if it was the most obvious thing ever. You'd think he has gotten the memo that I can't go to this dumb party.

"Taeyoung, you can't be serious. I told you multiple times I couldn't go because Hanjin would throw a fit! And besides, I don't want to go to a stupid high school party..." I sigh at the last part, staring out my window.

"You're lying. You always do that silly sigh and then look out the window when you lie. You want to go to the party, I can tell." Taeyoung snickers. He's right, I was lying. But I didn't know why exactly.

In theory, the party is most likely going to be lame and not worth my time. But for some reason, my gut was telling me that I should go. As if it was the universe that had written that to be part of my destiny. It sounds silly, I know. It's most likely just nerves acting up.

I only stare blankly at Taeyoung. I wanted to say no, but something was telling me to say yes. I'm usually one to go with my head rather than my heart, but I guess something in my change today. Because I said an answer neither Taeyoung nor I predicted.

"Fine, let's go."

Taeyoung looked disappointed at first, but then he finally processed what I had just said. His eyes widen as he jumps to his feet. "Wait, WHAT?!" He exclaims.

I shush him, forcing him to sit back down on the bed. "I said, yes, I'll go. But if this party is lame we're leaving right away. Don't make me regret sneaking out. But I don't have any clothes that are suited for a party here..."

"Oh, that's fine. We can just go to my house and borrow some of my sister's clothes." Taeyoung says excitingly, grabbing onto my hand and going towards the stairs to the second floor.

"Wait! We can't just walk out the front door, I'll get in trouble." I stop him from walking down the stairs. We stay silent for a few seconds, thinking of a solution as to how we can sneak out.

Cynthia and Hanjin have already left for the party, while Piper is watching Youtube on her tablet in the living room. Aaron and mom aren't home, so I only have one person in this house I can count on for tonight. Cameron.

"Stay here," I command to Taeyoung before running down the attic stairs, quietly tiptoeing through the hallways until I reach Cameron's room. I silently knock on the door and I hear him faintly let me in from the other side.

I open the door and let myself in quickly, shutting it right after. "Cameron, I need your help."

He lifts an eyebrow, placing down his book on his bed and taking off his reading glasses. "With what?"

"You have an important job for today. If anyone tries to walk into my room, tell them that I'm... Throwing up a lot. Don't let anyone to the attic and don't tell anyone what I just told you. Can you do that?" I ask, silently begging for him to agree.

"Okay, seems easy." He says. I sigh in relief before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you!" I say, before running back to the attic where Taeyoung was located.

"Don't worry, I got everything covered." I smile in glory with Taeyoung looking confused, but he shrugs it off.

"So, now what?" He asks.

"Now... We escape through my window and run to your house."

His Cinderella | Choi SoobinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora