Twenty-Six ♚

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|| SOOBIN ||

"Here, take the fairy lights and tape them all over the walls and ceiling."

I pass the long array of lights to Taehyun, who makes his way towards the ladder and starts to tape them on. "Beomgyu and Yeonjun, you can help me. Kai, help Yeji with the table decorations."

"Ai' ai', captain!" Kai salutes me before running towards the tall brunette girl. "That Yeji chick is pretty, can I get her number?" Yeonjun gawks at the girl, biting his lip.

I slap his shoulder harshly. "Nice try, dude. She into girls." I sympathize with him. Beomgyu and Yeonjun laugh it off, but I don't do the same. My eyes only trail after the girl that had walked into the room.

She walks up next to me and accidentally looks up to meet my eyes. I open my mouth to speak, I had so many things to say to her. But before anything could roll off my tongue, she jolts her head away from me and quickly walks away.

"Oh, I didn't know you and Hanjin volunteered together," Yeonjun says. Beomgyu scoffs at the pink-haired boy. "Idiot, can't you see that they're fighting? That's why she passed him without saying anything."

"She's not Hanjin," I say abruptly. "That's her twin, Ahn Hyewon."

Both of their jaws fall down. "Wait, what? I never knew she had a sister."

I flop myself down on the chair, placing my head into my hands before groaning loudly. "Gosh, I really fucked up big time with Hyewon." They both lean against the table. "What do you mean?"

A sigh escapes my mouth. "I always thought that I liked Hanjin, I sort of knew from the first time I saw her. But after I got her number it was never perfect with her. And when I met Hyewon, it was all different. With Hanjin, I always felt awkward. But with Hyewon I feel like I can be myself and it's so fucking weird."

"Okay, but how does that mean that you messed up?" Beomgyu asks.

"Because I told her something yesterday that I just blurted out. It was so random and it made it seem like I liked her when I really thought I like Hanjin. And it got so weird so she just left and we haven't talked since." I say.

"So you're saying that you like Hyewon possibly?" Yeonjun asks. I jump to my feet, my face shocked that he would even suggest that. "Are you crazy, of course not! I-I like Hanjin, obviously." I say.

"Really, because the way you're acting over Hyewon proves us you're not really telling the truth," Yeonjun says. "Be honest, do you actually like Hanjin, or do you feel obligated to?"

I think for a second. Hanjin has liked me for a while now and she sure isn't hiding it from me. If I wanted to be in a relationship with her then wouldn't I have already asked her out? It's almost as if there's something (or someone) stopping me from doing so.

My eyes fall onto Hyewon's. Her curly hair bounced up and down as she jogged across the room, holding a box of different ornaments and decorations in her hands. She smiles brightly as she talks which makes my stomach flutter.

"I think you should talk to her. You're both obviously feeling confused after yesterday's events." Beomgyu says, patting my back. He pushes me forward a little, nudging me towards her. I hesitantly walk up to the girl.

"Hyewon, can we talk...?" I ask, patting her shoulder. Her smile drops as she sees me but eventually says yes. She places down the tape and opens her ears to listen to what I have to say.

"Uh, I think you might be avoiding me because of yesterday. And I'm sorry if I might have made you uncomfortable or something-" I start to say but she interrupts me.

"Did you mean it?"


"Did you mean it? When you said you would take me."

I gulp. "Of course I meant it," I say, feeling a little hurt that she would think otherwise. I'm not the type of person to say things I don't really mean. Especially towards her.

Although I was expecting her to be happy, or at least a little relieved, her face only showed anger. "Y-You idiot! Can't you see you're not supposed to say those things to me? Stop fucking leading me on with your dumb words and leave me alone. I'm not supposed to like you."

I'm taken aback. "Why can't you like me?" I ask, confused.

"Because you're my sister's crush! Whatever this is between us-" She places her finger at my chest, pushing me backwards. "-It cannot happen, you hear me? You're supposed to be with my sister, so please don't give me mixed signals."

"It's not mixed signals, Hyewon. I know what I want." I say calmy. She was starting to get less angry, more frustrated. Her eyebrows furrow as she lets her hand run through her locks.

"B-But what about Hanj-"

"This isn't about her. Is it such a crime to not be selfless for once, Hyewon?" I say. She quiets up after that, staring at her side while refusing to look me in the eyes.

"She'll hate me forever if she finds out." She looks me in the eyes. Her face was soft, almost like a puppy. Her lips formed a thin line as the reflection of her glasses showed me.

"No, she won't."

"Yes, she will. You don't know what you're talking about, Soobin." She lets go of my hands that I didn't even realize she grabbed onto. "Just- I'll see you at the party tomorrow, okay?" She looks full of regret when she walked away, and I was too.

I head back to the two boys who watched from the sidelines. "Well, what happened?" Yeonjun asks, obviously being able to tell that it wasn't perfect from the sorrowful look on my face. I shrug my shoulders.

"Now I know that she likes me back. I'll ask her out tomorrow at the ball, I swear on it."

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