Twenty-Two ♚

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|| HYEWON ||

"Hyewon, wait for me!"

I turn around in the hallway, seeing the red-haired girl with fox eyes and tall height running toward me. But there was something different about her appearance.

She no longer had red hair. Instead, it glimmered brightly in a dark brown colour, bouncing up and down as she jogged towards me. If you told me she was a real goddess I just might believe you.

She catches her breath as she pants loudly, leaning against the locker beside me. "Why... Do... You walk so damn fast?!" She says through her jagged breaths, lecturing me.

A giggle leaves my mouth. "Sorry, I wanted to get home early. Also, nice hair." It really was nice. The brown hair fitted her perfectly as it reached to just about her shoulders in a straight cut.

"Thanks. Anyways, need to stop by one of my friend's houses and she lives in your neighbourhood, so I was wondering if you want to walk together?" She asks me. Which I of course said yes to, so now Yeji and I walk through the hallways of the school together after a long day of classes.

A few students gawked their eyes at me as the two of us walked side-by-side. I was used to being practically invisible, so this was something new to me. I don't know if I enjoy the stares I'm getting or not.

We walk out of the school building and past the gates, where I accidentally bumped into a tall man's chest, my face instantly burning up as I tumble backwards. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, Hyewon."

Why am I not surprised that Soobin is the guy that I collided into? It seems as if the universe just loves me getting flustered near him, so they keep on making us interact. Can't you see, I don't want to be around him!

But still, every time I say his goofy smile and his deep dimples, a part in my heart tingles slightly. And it feels so wrong every time, but still so right. He's like a guilty pleasure, although I find no pleasure in being swooned over this boy. Why am I so nervous around him again?

"Or right, I forgot to mention, I asked Soobin to tag along. That's fine, right?" Yeji says to me. No, it's not fine. But I yet nodded my head to her, reassuring her that it was okay. Get him away from me or else I'll combust.

We're well into our first few steps off the school campus before another person shouts out behind us. But this time, they weren't calling my name, nor Yeji's. "CHOI SOOBIN!"

I turn around to be greeted by Hanjin, running towards us gleefully at the sight of her lover boy. Of course, Ahn Hanjin, the reason why I'm so nervous around Soobin. If she figures out that I've even talked to him she'll throw a tantrum.

Which she is definitely about to throw right now since she's just spotted me next to him. Her smile fades as her eyes fall onto mine. "H-Hyewon...? What are you doing here?"

Before I could speak, Yeji does it for me. Everybody say thank you, Yeji. "We're all walking home together. We hang out all the time, especially since we all vol-"

Never mind, not thankful for her anymore. I nudge Yeji silently and send her a look which she fortunately understood. "Er... We all work for the principal in the office occasionally." She redeems herself, which Hanjin believes.

If Hanjin found out that I volunteered with Soobin, I would be in big trouble. I'm already not supposed to come in contact with him at all times. The fact that I'm with him right now is already risky.

"Oh, can I join you guys? I'm going in the same direction." Hanjin suggests. Before any of us can speak, she pushes past my shoulder and wraps herself around Soobin's right arm. Gosh, I sort of feel bad for him now.

Hanjin starts dragging him forward, leaving Yeji and me behind. Soobin glances backwards, giving us an apologetic look before turning back to her before she could realize what he had secretly done.

"Oh, so I'm guessing that famous sister of yours is fancying Soobin." Yeji gags with disgust as we trail behind the duo in front of us.

"S-Sorry, she can be a little intense."

"Why are you apologizing for your sister's behaviour? It's not like it's your fault." Yeji says. Now that I think about it, why do I feel responsible? Maybe it's because she always ends up throwing the blame onto me.

"I mean, by the way, Hanjin treats you, it's almost as if she's ashamed to be your sister. "Yeji says once again. I guess that's true too. The only time where Hanjin treats me as her twin is when she wants to get me in trouble for her dumb decisions.

But that's not really her fault. Hanjin has been through a lot. She probably has a lot of pressure, since she's a cheerleader, a straight-A student and she's a part of a lot of clubs. I don't really mind being Hanjin's dirt rag because I know it's only because she needs someone here for her. She has a lot of potentials to become successful, I shouldn't get in the way of that.

My eyes turn upwards to Hanjin and Soobin. They were dangerously close, as Hanjin kept up glancing to meet his eyes. They seemed like a match made in heaven. As if the whole world revolved around them, and only them.

I remember when I used to be in love. Middle school, second year. Kang Chanhee, one of the prettiest boys I had ever seen in my lifetime, and I still stand by that. I never thought I had a chance because he was popular and had a lot of girls crushes. So I only admired from afar.

That was until he told me he liked me back. And me being excited, we started dating right away. Unfortunately, it only lasted a couple of months before he broke up with me for a different girl. And the worst part? Hanjin helped the two get together, even when she knew we were dating.

Which she claimed she didn't know. But she did, everyone did. And soon I was seen as the girl who got dumped. And a small part of me thinks that he never even loved me much at all. Which sounds crazy because we were only 14. But he was my first love. And probably my last.

"Oh my god, Soobin! You're so funny~" My ears perk up as I see the two in front of me giggling at each other. Hanjin slaps his shoulder repeatedly as I watched the two laugh together. It was then when I wanted to know what was so funny. Something so funny that would make Soobin's cheeks flush up like that.

My fists tightened as I felt something in the very deepest pit of my stomach, the same thing I always feel when the two are together, having fun and enjoying each others presence. And it's not butterflies.

It's jealousy.

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