Seven ♚

589 32 7

|| HYEWON ||

Cats are better than dogs.

It's not an opinion, but rather a fact. Dogs are messy, far too energetic and have to go outside whenever they need to potty.

Although, cats are far more sophisticated and calm, don't act too spontaneously and actually dispose of feces in a litter box rather than the floor. See, it's obvious that cats are far more superior to dogs.

But, Hanjin and I are complete opposites. And if I like cats, she obviously likes dogs. And she always gets her way, rather I like it or not.

So when I made the silly mistake of accidentally sending Hanjin a compilation of cute puppy videos, her heart instantly melted and instead of going to school that day, she played hookey and went straight to the animal shelter.

And that's the story of how I ended up living with three Chihuahua's in my house.

The names are Coco, Princess, and Juan Mendez. You can tell which one I was allowed to name, as my mother decided that I should be honoured to decide the name of at least one. She regretted it, to say the least.

The first name I decided was more inappropriate so she forced me to change it, so I did. When Hanjin found out the name she threw a tantrum and a book at my head. Surprisingly, that was the first (and possibly the only time) Hanjin didn't get her way.

But I guess karma came back to me because Hanjin decided after a week that dogs were too hard to take care of so I was left to clean up her messy decision.

This is why I'm walking down the street on a foggy morning, holding onto three leashes as the dogs attempted to escape from my tight grip. As if I wasn't already extremely sleep-deprived from my chores, I'm also forced to walk the dogs every day at 6:00 A.M on the dot.

With my grey sweatpants and my dark eye bags, I wasn't expecting any company while walking the dogs. That was until Hanjin ran up to me when I was already halfway down the street.

"Hey, sis!" She exclaims far too joyfully, her high ponytail bobbing up and down as she jogs next to me, wearing a matching sports bra and shorts.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, yawning as Coco decides to start peeing on yet another flower. She tends to do that every time she passes one, especially dandelions.

"Oh, don't mind me, just doing my morning jog with my dearest sister!" She smiles, making my face turn confused. It was too early for her to be acting like this for my sake.

"Do you need something from me again?" I say. Hanjin does act weirdly nice around me like this but never has she ever joined me on one of my chores. And I've been doing chores like this since I was 8.

"Huh? Of course not! I always do a quick run in the morning. How do you think I keep my perfect body in shape?" She teases, nudging me with her elbow.

I guess that made sense. Although I'm not super self-conscious about my body, it's clear that Hanjin ended up with the better one anyways. It's probably because she does a lot of sports, or maybe because she doesn't have to stay up till 1:00 A.M doing the laundry like me.

"Hey, let's go to that street!" She points to the opening of another street, the street that I usually never walk in because it doesn't lead to any other streets and it wastes my time.

"That doesn't follow the route I take, sorry," I say, starting to walk the other direction but stop when I don't hear Hanjin's footsteps following me. I turn around to see her chin quivering, a tear threatening to fall out. "J-Just kidding! We can take it."

"Yay!" Her tears immediately evaporate as she starts happily skipping ahead from me, leaving me behind to watch her. I didn't know why she was so happy to go in that street, as even she possibly realized the same thing I did.

I trail behind as she starts to jog up the hill, every step she took making me out of breath. She even jogged perfectly, who knew that could be possible?

Her jogs start to slow down as her eyes trail the large house at the top of the hill. But it wasn't just any house. It was the house of Choi Soobin, the house that hosted the party. And that suddenly explained why she was so desperate to go on this street. She wanted to catch a glimpse of her lover boy.

But, her lover boy never came. He never lifted his curtain to see the hot babe taking a jog on his street, nor was he outside taking the trash out because his mother directed him to. The house remained completely quiet during Hanjin and I's passing, so of course, Hanjin being Hanjin...

"Let's go run around this street again."

I chose not to question it because I already knew the answer I would get in return. As far as I know it, we could be here until 7:00, just running up and down the street. My only question is, why is Hanjin dragging me along with her?

Hanjin loves me as a sister from what I believe just like I do to her. But sometimes she acts like being seen with me is like running down the street naked. I wouldn't blame her for it, as I'm practically the laughingstock of the family.

So, following Hanjin's instructions, I followed her up and down the street with the dogs. It was fine until the third time when my abdomen started to ache in pain and my knees were slowly starting to give up on me.

But Hanjin never gave up. I just kept on following her, having no other choice but to do so. I got so caught up in the pacing that I didn't even notice her stop and take out her phone to text something.

I soon realized and turned to see Hanjin jogging far behind me, right in front of Choi Soobin's house with a smile on her face. But she wasn't smiling at me, and I realized that when I saw her waving to someone in the house.

And soon I saw a boy wearing a black sweatshirt and some red pyjama pants run up to Hanjin, her dumbstruck smile coming on her face as she talked to the lanky guy.

Then Hanjin dropped her water bottle, most likely on purpose from what I could tell so he went to reach in to grab it. I wish I wasn't still watching them because when I saw his face I felt like throwing up on the spot.

It was the boy from the party. I couldn't forget his face, no matter how hard I tried. So it was definitely him. And, he came out of Choi Soobin's house, but wh-

Oh my fucking god.

I was talking to Choi Soobin in the study room.

And that explains everything. Why Hanjin forced me to walk past Choi Soobin's house until he came out and why she was started to act so nice to me suddenly since yesterday. It was all part of her master plan. She knew everything about me going to the party and me talking to Choi Soobin. This was her way of punishing me.

The truth is, everyone in the world are just mere puppets performing in a show and she's the marionette that controls everything. That controls us. And it'll be like that till the day we die.

That's the thing about Hanjin. She doesn't need to say a single word for her to ruin your entire life. she has a way to play with people's minds by simply taking something they enjoy and turning it into her "property". It's completely diabolical and absolutely genius to the point where you can't do anything but just stare and watch her slowly but indefinitely take over everything in your life.

And it was happening to me right now.

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