Eight ♚

558 33 2

|| HYEWON ||

So then I ran away.

Maybe it was my gut telling me that if I watched anymore I would regret it, or it was my throat that had something lodged in it and was slowly making me gag.

Either way, I ran. Not too far, since my legs were in excruciating pain. Just to the park where I could sit by myself and slowly realize that Soobin, the person that made me feel just a tiny bit hopeful for the first time in forever was now being courted by my sister. Or courting my sister, I don't know.

Well, I had it coming, I guess. When you're practically just an add-on for your sister, things like this are bound to happen. But all this over a misunderstanding isn't where Soobin draws the line and stops her?

And then I realized. Soobin never got my name, and since Hanjin and I look pretty much the same he thinks that Hanjin is the girl he met at the party. Even the evilest person on this planet would agree that that's too far but still, I'm left in utter shock at how impressively terrible that is.

Of course, only a person disguised as an angel like Hanjin could get away with this. Even then, it's better than public humiliation. Well, maybe not. I think as a picture of Soobin talking to Hanjin appears in my mind.

It's all stupid. Something you'd read in a book that you'd have to put down just to laugh at how ridiculous the scenario is. But that's my life, right? Just some comedic show where I'm always at the butt of the joke. The complete Aunt Sally the readers always wish they don't relate to.

And for some reason, it's affecting me so much. Hanjin always does petty things like this but for some reason, this one really just feels like she took a candy cane I gave to Soobin and proceeded to stab me multiple times with it until I passed away from loss of blood.

I feel like I'm drowning underwater all the time. And at the surface, I can see people seeing me but choosing to leave me alone and ignore me. And then I'm just drowning until the water fills up my lungs and I fall into the abyss of the deep ocean. It's so tiring but it's my sad reality that I face every day. I can't escape, no matter who tries to change it.

Oh my god, Hyewon. You're being so dramatic over someone you've barely talked to. Get over yourself.

That's the problem. I don't know why I feel like this. I liked talking to Soobin, I admit it. And I did think of him almost every living second after I left him. But he's just a boy. A boy that shouldn't have such a big effect on me considering that we've only talked once.

As far as I know, he probably doesn't even know that Hanjin has a twin. Most people don't, what makes him any different? Well, maybe the fact that he was the one person who treated me like an actual human, not just Hanjin's younger twin that doesn't really act as cool as her.

But, it's how it's always been. Hanjin is the main character. It'll always be that way, no matter how hard I try to rewrite it. And it was foolish for me to think that maybe, just maybe Soobin and I could possibly be friends just because he gave me a little bit of attention for a while.

I was wrong for thinking I was the next Cinderella.

So, I headed home. And went to school and proceeded the day with Soobin all over my mind and he refused to leave. It would've been better with Taeyoung by my side, but he had some chess training and was occupied the whole day.

It seemed as if everyone has left me, and I'm just left by myself. First dad, then Taeyoung and now Soobin. Everyone around me is doing great things and doing extremely stupid but fun stuff with their friends and then there's me.

I wish I could just have one person that'll make me tea and tell me that'll everything will be okay. But I've been waiting for that person my entire life and they still haven't come. I thought maybe Taeyoung could be that person but he's just so awfully terrible at consoling people it's laughable.

So, I'll just be alone for a little bit more. Hopefully, just a little bit more. Well, probably not, but I'm trying not to be pessimistic here.

And then night comes. My sleep is pushed to the side and I'm forced to go leave the house at 2:00 A.M to get Hanjin some instant noodles. She always has random cravings like this, and I'm supposed to fill her dearest requests.

Walking into the brightly lit store, I head to the row where the noodles were placed. My eyes kept on transferring to the cashier every once in a while, which was a teenage boy who paid more attention to his phone than me. But I liked that.

I grab onto the instant noodles that were chile flavoured, walking to the back where I squint my eyes at the sudden light. I had forgotten my glasses before running out of the house as well, so everything was blurry to me.


In a surprise to the sudden voice, the packet of noodles drops to the floor. In front of the fallen food stood a pair of black sneakers, Converse, more specifically. I've always wanted a pair but my mother refused to buy them for me, so I've learned to stop asking for things like that.

But their shoes didn't concern me. The fact that they called me by my sister's name did. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but you got the wrong person," I mumble, those exact words pretty much engraved into my mind from saying them so often to people.

Then I saw their face and I dropped the noodles again. It was Choi Soobin. Grinning at me like an idiot. A very cute idiot.

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