Six ♚

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|| SOOBIN ||

"And you only have her shoe?"

"Yes, Beomgyu!" I flop onto the couch, groaning into my hands. "No name, no age, no school... And I really enjoyed her presence, too!"

"Okay... But what did she look like?" My other friend, Kai asks from beside me.

"Well, she was probably around 5'4 without the shoes, straight black hair that was long and had round eyes with pretty eyelashes. I didn't get to see her face clearly though, because the lights were dim." I sigh.

"Then it's probably not meant to be, dude." Taehyun pats my back, not really make the situation better.

"Gosh, this is really irritating. We didn't even talk for that long, but why do I feel like I should be searching for her right now? Does that make me a creep?" I ask the group of boys.

"Okay, prince charming. If you're really that desperate to find her then just look at some Instagram stories from yesterday and try to find her face. Then we can move from there." Yeonjun suggests.

"Yeah, like that'll work." I scoff but end up taking my phone out anyways to try out his idea. It most likely won't work, but it's worth a shot. Yeonjun was right, I am desperate to find her. Gotta shoot my shot, right?

"I can't believe the stupid cops busted the party. I was just about to get kissed by a girl and then all of a sudden I hear some fucking sirens and she runs off!" Beomgyu complains to the boys, earning laughs from all of them.

"Aw, too bad the cops ruined your first kiss." Kai pretends to consol Beomgyu, earning a pillow to his face from the boy.

While the rest of them continued bickering, I tune them out to better focus on the Instagram stories. More specifically, the girl from yesterday. Yes, I found her extremely pretty, but that wasn't why I had a sudden urge to find her.

Something felt different around her. I've been around countless girls prettier but when I was around her, it felt like I had known her for ages. I know it sounds stupid, but it was almost like the universe was pulling us together.

"Wait guys, I think I found her!" I shout, jumping to my feet with my phone still in my hand as the others shut their mouth. It was a video of two girls playing ping-pong, and in the background, you can see the girl from yesterday sitting on the couch by herself.

All the boys gasp when I showed them the picture, shocked that I actually was able to find her. The only one who remained calm was Taehyun, who only said "She looks like a loser, no offence."

I ignore him, a smile appearing on my face. "Wait, I think I know her. She goes to that Co-ed school next to ours! Her name is..." Yeonjun clicks his fingers, the name on the tip of his tongue. "I think it's Ahn something. I'm not sure, though."

"Ahn... That's close enough." I nod my head. "Try to text Felix Lee. He goes to that school, right? He might know her."

Kai takes out his phone, texting Felix as I sit back down, excitement rushing through my veins. "Ooh, I'm pumped, baby!"

"Why is Soobin so happy over a girl he's barely even talked to?" Beomgyu snickers at me, my smile turning into a savage glare. Bitch. I mouth at him while raising a fist as he flinches.

"Felix got back! There are not that many Ahn's at his school, and when I showed him a picture he identified her. She apparently lives in your neighbourhood, on XX XXX XXXX. Maybe you can go visit her right now." Kai nudges me, showing the text. Her house wasn't far from mine, only a street apart.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Yeonjun and the rest of the boys push me out of the door, leaving me no choice but to visit her now.


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