Five ♚

672 31 5

|| HYEWON ||

"Is this really necessary?"

I stare at myself in the mirror, not really sure if what I was looking at was really me. The reflection showed me in long extensions, a sight I'd never think I'd see. I've always been to keep my short, so for me to suddenly have mine long and gorgeous wasn't something I was used to.

"Not really, but I've been meaning to try out the new extensions that I bought but I realized that they don't look quite good on me, so I decided that I'd look better on you. And, clearly, I was right!"Taeyoung's older sister, Taeha, says from beside me.

"I can take them off if they make you uncomfortable." She suggests, applying some more lip gloss to my face. I'm not even going to sugarcoat it, I look stunning. But it still feels weird to be so pretty. And the worse part, I looked identical to Hanjin.

"No, it's fine, you can keep them on," I say to Taeha. It would only cause more trouble to her if I told her to take them off. And Taeyoung being the impatient person he is would start complaining even louder.

"Well, then I guess you're done." She says, moving aside to let myself fully see me. My hair reached my back with a few braids in the front. I wore some simple blue jeans that were slightly loose and a navy blue and white top that revealed my stomach. Needless to say, I looked different from usual.

"What do you think?" Taeha asks, placing some rings on my fingers. "I like it... Thank you."

The door suddenly slams open to Taeyoung, who was wearing a simple purple shirt and some jeans. "What on Earth is taking so lo- Woah. Hyewon, you look different. In a good way, I mean."

"Taeha, thank you so much. We should get going now." I bow down to the girl who bids me farewell as I grab Taeyoungs hand, walking out of his house and to his car. "Next time don't slam the door open. I could've been changing."

"Sorry, note taken. Now, let's go party!"


"Is this the party?"

"Oh gosh, there's so many people," I mutter under my breath, not overexaggerating in any way. Even on the lawn of the mansion, there were many students playing ping pong and getting wasted drunk in front of me.

"I searched up on Google that at high school parties, to have fun you need to dance and drink," Taeyoung says to me as I cling onto his sleeve, walking through the busy party.

"Did you really search up how to have fun at a party?" I say in disbelief. He shrugs his shoulders, guiding me past the couples making out and the drunken teenagers doing ridiculously stupid things that they'll regret.

"Want some punch? Beware, it may or may not be spiked." He hands me a cup of some red liquid that reached a strong smell that I push away from me. Yeah, I'm definitely not consuming that.

"We have to be careful not to bump into Hanjin or Cynthia, they'll snitch on me right away. Let's just get a sneak peek of Choi Soobin and go to Mcdonalds or something afterwards." I whisper to the boy.

"Fine, but I'm going to have fun while we're still here." Taeyoung suddenly grabs the cup of "punch", chugging it down in one go while scrunching his face in the process. He's going to regret that, I can tell.

He pulls my hand, stumbling over his own feet as we arrive in the living room, a new song playing on the speakers. "Let's dance!" He smiles at me before shaking his head around crazily.

Not knowing exactly what to do, I awkwardly sway around with Taeyoung to the music. I wasn't really familiar with it the song unlike everyone else in the room who was singing along to the lyrics perfectly.

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