Three ♚

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|| HYEWON ||

Everyone considers Friday, which is today, the best day of the week. But I beg to differ. The only correct answer is Sunday.

Obviously, there's no school on Sunday, but there are other factors for me as well. It's the only day in the week where I'm allowed to leave the house. On school days, my mother demands me to be home right after school ends so I can finish the chores. And on Saturday she has a day-long date with Aaron so I'm left with the job to babysit the dogs or take care of the house.

Sunday is when I usually go out to the library to read or hang out with Taeyoung. I most likely spend the whole day out, since the last thing I want to do on my only free day is spending it with Hanjin or Cynthia in my presence.

The bell abruptly rings, infiltrating my ears as the students run out of the classroom in a messy crowd, racing to the front door so that they can be the first one out of this hell. I don't like school very much either, but even I wouldn't do that.

I quietly pack my bags with Taeyoung sitting on my desk, watching me impatiently. "Hurry up! I have something to tell you."

"What happened? Did Superman finally defeat the villain in your comics?" I joke, zipping up my bag before swinging it around my shoulder before leaving the classroom with Taeyoung by my side.

"Listen, my chess trainer just said I had the potential to actually get into the Chess Olympiad! Isn't that excited?!" He exclaims, jumping up and down as he starts to skip along with me.

"That's great! My very own friend becoming an international chess player. I'm proud." I pretend to wipe a tear from my eyes.

"Yeah, it feels unreal. But my trainer said I have to get up on my grind. This means I probably can't hang out with you anymore on Sunday." Taeyoung pouts his lower lip at me in an attempt to be cute. The only reaction he gets is my disgusting side glance.

"It's fine, as long as you don't make that stupid face ever again." I push him off of me, giggles erupting between both of us.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go now. See you later." Taeyoung waves me bye before turning around, walking away joyfully in the other direction. I slightly chuckle at him. He's so weird, but I love him anyway.

"Hyewon!" A voice singsongs from behind me. A girl brightly jogs toward me, her arm draping around my shoulder. It was non-other than Hanjin.

"Let's walk home together!" She smiles at me, not letting me respond in time for her to start walking alongside me. "Why are you so happy?" I ask.

She tries to bite down her smile, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. It was like she was waiting for me to ask that question. "Well, there's this guy from the boys-only school a few blocks down, and he's holding a party... Guess who got invited!"

I wasn't surprised she got invited to the party. She goes to a party almost every week, it's sort of shocking if she doesn't go to one. My only question is how she managed to finish her homework and still get straight A's in school as I've never seen her study once in my life.

"But I heard he's just inviting a bunch of students in the area. He lives in our neighbourhood, the house on the hill and I occasionally see him when walking home from school. He's a total hottie! Although, I don't think he knows I exist." Hanjin sulks at the last part.

"What's his name?" I ask, staring into the clouds. Hanjin was never the one to be interested in boys, so I'm actually shocked that she's so into this one dude. A dude she's never even talked to.

"Choi Soobin. Isn't that such a nice name?"

I hum in response, clearly not intrigued anymore. Hanjin is one of those people that get so attached to people she doesn't even know. Her last crush was on this guy from Italy named Liam she found on Instagram. She begged mom to let her visit Italy for Liam and when she found him, she learned that he had a girlfriend. Somehow I ending up being grounded for that.

A sudden ding rings from my pockets as I take out my phone, having a new DM on my Instagram from Taeyoung. As if we didn't see each other a few minutes ago, he already has something to say.


listen. there's an open invitation to a party from this guy named choi soobin

i heard he goes to that boys only school

i've decided that we're going btw so wear something nice

im picking you up tomorrow at 8:30 so be there or be square

Well, this can't be good. Hanjin is possessive, mostly of things that aren't hers. When she has a crush on someone, she makes it her duty that no one else talks to her crush. So the fact that Taeyoung is planning to take me to his party is going to be BIG trouble.

"Anyways, I was thinking to wear that pink strapless dress mom got me for my birthday- Hello? Who are you texting?" Hanjin snatches the phone out of my hand, shoving me away from her so I couldn't grab it back no matter how hard I tried.

"Ooh~ I wonder if it'll be spicy..." She says mischievously with a sly smile, scrolling up on the messages to see the whole conversation. I see her grin slowly dissolve into a blank face that was definitely on the urge of yelling at me. "You're going to the party...?"

"Taeyoung wants me to go with him," I say simply, fiddling with my fingers. I have to be very careful with my words in situations like this, as anything I say can be twisted by her.

"B-But... You can't go! That's unfair!" Hanjin suddenly screeches at me, her eyes widened as her jaw clenches tightly. "No, I'm telling mom. You're not allowed anyways. There, you can just stay home while Cynthia and I party. That works for both of us, right?"

"Why can't I go...?"

Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me as if I asked the most obvious question of all time. "Well, it's your turn to do the laundry this week. Besides, you don't even like parties. There, problem solved. If you go to that party you'll obviously make a fool of yourself!" She stays victorious in the end, her smile back on her face as she hands my phone back.

She's right actually. I don't know what Taeyoung was thinking, because the last thing I'd want to spend my Saturday partying. And I'm not allowed to go anyways, since it's my week to do the chores. Actually, it's always my week to do the chores. I guess Hanjin and Cynthia forget sometimes.

What's so special about this Choi Soobin guy that everyone wants to go to his party anyways? Is he a celebrity or something? Perhaps related to an idol? I don't understand the hype around him.

Is he really worth my sister's love? Or is he just some random jock that wants to get into her pants?

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