7th Chapter

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"What happened to her?" I heard Valide's voice when she entered my chambers. Everything in front of my eyes was blurry and I could see Valide, Daye, Nigar and Zumbul standing in front of me.

"Hurrem Sultan beated her last night, we found her in the hallways of Harem and she was so hurt." Nigar said and looked down at the floor being scared of Valide Sultan.

"Where is that snake Hurrem?" Valide asked angrily. My body hurt so much that I couldn't even move and the pain was so strong.

"She ran away and locked herself in her chambers." Zumbul said and Valide seemed to be so angry that even I was afraid of her at this moment.

She walked closer to me and looked at me with sadness for me in her eyes.

"You will be fine very soon, Angelina. You will recover." she said giving me a smile with hope that I will be better.

"And that snake Hurrem will be punished. Nigar, find a concubine which will be always with Angelina so nothinh like this could happen anytime again." Valide said and left my chambers.

Daye and Zumbul left together with Valide leaving me alone with Nigar Kalfa.

" Nigar, can you give me a mirror to look at myself?" I asked her as I was really scared how do I look when my face was bleeding last night and hurted a lot.

"Angelina, you better shouldn't..." Nigar started to say making me feel like I was right and I look horrible right now.

"Please." I said to her and she gave me the mirror in which I could see my face was full of scars of Hurrem's punches.

"It will recover really soon, you shouldn't worry." Nigar said hiding the mirror because I felt only worser after looking at it.

"I know Hurrem is jealous because I have spent a night with Sultan, but why would she do this to me?" I asked Nigar as I couldn't even realise how much hate and anger you must have in yourself to do this from jealousy to someone.

"When Hurrem came to the Harem she was like you, and she stole Mahidevran Sultan's night with the Sultan. Later Mahidevran beated her, and now Hurrem basically repeats her mistakes." Nigar said to me.

"Hurrem thinks that this way she will separate me from Sultan." I said to Nigar what was my biggest fear. What if I will not be still beautiful to Suleyman after this? What if he won't want me close anymore?

"When her best friend Gulnihal spent a night with Sultan, Hurrem putted poison on her fur which basically burned her face." Nigar said which made me feel like I should be for real afraid of Hurrem, because this woman is ready to do whatever is needed to keep Sultan for herself.

At that moment we heard a noise coming from Harem. I wanted to get up and check what is happening, but Nigar forbid me and forced me to lay in bed while I am in this situation.

She went on the balcony of favourites' floor to see what is happening in Harem. Few minutes back she arrived in my chambers.

"What was that noise?" I asked Nigar which looked down at the floor anxiously and then looked at me.

"Angelina... Hurrem Sultana is pregnant." Nigar said to me thinking that I would react bad on this, but there was nothing I could do. Only thing I wanted was to recover and to have Suleyman close to myself.

Third person pov

"Sumbul Ağa, is Angelina Hatun ready for halvet?" Suleyman asked Sumbul which came inside his chambers.

Suleyman was waiting for Angelina, but it was already night and she didn't come yet.

Sumbul looked at the floor anxiously and he didn't know how he would say this to Sultan Suleyman.

" Sumbul?" Suleyman asked him once again with his eyebrows raised as he was confused what is happening.

"Hunkarim, Angelina Hatun can't come because she isn't well... There were problems in Harem... And..." Sumbul started to say but angry Suleyman stopped him.

"What are you talking about? What happened to Angelina?" Suleyman yelled on Sumbul.

"She was beated last night..." Sumbul started to say, but Suleyman just went outside his chambers and started walking towards the Harem.

"ATTENTION! SULTAN SULEYMAN KHAN!" Agha on the doors of Harem yelled and the feast stopped to make everyone bow to Suleyman.

Hurrem stood up and walked towards Suleyman happily as she wanted to give him information about her pregnancy, but Suleyman didn't even look at anyone and went at Angelina's room.

Doors of my chambers opened and I saw worried Suleyman walking towards me. I wanted to stand up, but he came and sat next to me and forbad me from getting up.

"Angelina, my beautiful angel, who would do this to you?" Suleyman asked me as he putted his hand on my face which was still painful from all the beats.

I looked down at the floor and I didn't want to even look at Suleyman because I was ashamed how do I look now. Suleyman lifted my chin with his hand and made me look at him.

"Hunkarim, please don't look at me. I am not worthy you... They destroyed me... I look..." I started to say but Suleyman putted his finger on my mouth.

"You can't tell that you are not worthy of me, even after this you are most beautiful woman in the whole world for me. You will recover and everything will be fine." Suleyman said as he kissed my forehead and took me into a warm hug. I couldn’t help myself but started to cry.

" Who did this to you?" Suleyman asked me once again but I was afraid to tell him.

" I am afraid... If I tell you, they will do even worser things to me..." I barely could say to Suleyman from all the tears.

"No one will dare to touch you or say anything bad to you never again. I will punish those who did it with my own hands." Suleyman said and I knew I have nothing to do, but tell him who did it.

"Hu... Hurrem Sultana did it." I said to Suleyman who angrily left my room and went downstairs in the Harem.

"Aghas, take Angelina in my chambers, I will take care of her." Suleyman said to aghas which were standing at the doors.

Hurrem bowed to him happily and couldn't hide her happiness about her pregnancy.

"Hunkarim, I wanted to inform you that I am pregnant..." Hurrem started to say happily and proudly in front of the whole harem, but Suleyman signalised her to stop.

"Nothing gives you power to do anything bad to a member of my Harem, Hurrem. Who do you think you are?" Suleyman asked as he looked at Hurrem with so much disgust on his face.

"Hunkarim, I have no idea what are you talking about..." Hurrem told trying to act like she did nothing.

"I saw what you have done to Angelina, and you will be punished. You can pack your things because I am sending you to Old Palace." Suleyman said and left the Harem angrily.

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