47 | First Impression | Drago's POV

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This chapter is a little bit longer than usual. I hope you enjoy :)


I manage to steal a few kisses from my Angel before Mr. Daskalov enters the classroom. Maybe if I paid more attention to the chatter around me instead of blissfully kissing my boyfriend I would've realised sooner it's assignment day. But unfortunately, it dawned on me only after I heard it from Mr. Daskalov himself. And I haven't so much as shared a word with Bahar about the stupid presentation! Or wrote an essay about... What was it? Lipids?

I hope she at least did something. Otherwise we're both fucked.

We move to a classroom with a whiteboard, where we would be taking our classes this week, and I curse in my mind as we switch rooms, my boyfriend looking at me as if I totally lost it. So maybe I did let some curses slip through.

"I can't believe I forgot about the stupid thing!" I seethe.

I feel Angel's palm rub my back but it isn't helping. Time to turn on the charm. I'll just convince Mr. Daskalov to postpone our presentation till Friday. Hell, I would take Thursday if I have to!

As soon as everyone takes their seats and Mr. Daskalov starts preparing the fudging projector, I spring next to him, asking to postpone mine and Bahar's presentation. And thankfully, I'm not the only one. Marina and Goran are also by my side.

"Lazar kept rescheduling our meetings! It's not my fault!" Marina whines.

"We have like... a few more things to smooth over," Goran grumbles with hands in his pockets.

Mr. Daskalov sighs, his weary hazel eyes directed at the ceiling as if asking it where he went wrong. "Ok!" He caves in and I punch the air in victory. "You three can go on Friday."

I sit next to Bahar, my grin wider than a four-lane highway. "We have till Friday!" I announce with pride.

She just tilts her head at me and utters an "Ok...".

"I was ready though," she adds later, almost as an afterthought.

"You did the presentation?" I gape at her.

"Well, duh! If I wait on you I'll get an F!" She scowls at me as if I'm the dumbest boy that was ever to be born on planet Earth. I am not! I just forgot! It happens!

I huff and look forward as Mr. Daskalov makes known who will go first. And of course it would be Angel and Alejo!

Watching my boyfriend squirm as he struggles to utter the words does succeed in lifting my mood a little bit. He's super cute all flustered! And he performs much better than Alejo who straight out stutters and shakes as he says his part, eyes locked down at his shoes.

I send my Angel an encouraging smile and he smiles back, straightening his shoulders. His jet black curls fall loosely over his left eye and he lifts his hand to move them back in place with the elegance of a runway model. My boyfriend is the most handsome man in the whole wide world!

I support my chin with my palm, admiring the perfection in front of me. My Angel gives the word to Alejo and smiles stupidly at me while his partner finishes the presentation.

I follow him with my eyes as he takes his seat, not noticing Mr. Daskalov's glare as he skips our desk and calls Enver and his partner to the whiteboard.

Is it just me or Alejo has been getting closer to my Angel than I find it comfortable? I watch as they lean towards each other to share a few hushed words and I feel the green-eyed monster awaken within me. I should be the one sitting next to him. I should be the one whispering in his ear! Not this stupid nerd!

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now