36 | Sugar Daddy | Angel's POV

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Baby? Why did I call him baby? I'm starting to get mushy and it's all Drago's fault!

I shake my head and keep walking. If I'm not careful I might start calling him jellybean or sugar. Or worse... Daddy! It's not like it hasn't crossed my mind.

I get a text from my aunt, asking me to pass through her workplace. So I do just that.

She's running a hair salon with two employees: a guy in his early 20s, called Gabriel, and a young girl, named Darina.

Gabriel is a gentle cheery soul and he never fails to lift my mood. He has a flame tattoo on his left forearm, along with a few letters on the fingers of both his hands that spell 'lone wolf'. He jokingly regards them as one of his many teenage mistakes back when he was trying to look cool and edgy. We've never discussed the black ear plugs that adorn his ears but I'm guessing they were pierced in his edgy teen phase as well.

Currently he keeps his hair coloured in a shade of strawberry blond, always perfectly styled on the side.

Today he's wearing a fashionable black dress shirt, whose cuffs are rolled back to his elbows, exposing the fire tattoo I love to ogle so much. It's a real piece of art. A cluster of tribal lines, twisting and dancing around each other to create a picture of heat and elegance. It suits his character as well. Passionate and gracious.

And of course, he is the first to notice my presence, going as far as to ditch the girl whose hair he's doing right now and rush to my side. He half-hugs me, still holding a comb and a pair of scissors in his hands, and smooches both of my cheeks.

"My dear Angel! I haven't seen you in so long!" His velvety voice rings in my ears. "You never visit anymore!" He whines, pouting his glossy lips.

"Because every time I come auntie wants to cut my hair," I point out. "Hello, Darina." I glance through his shoulder to greet the blonde who is busy inspecting her perfect nails.

"Hello, Angel," she greets back, fixing the non-existent wrinkles on her red top.

My aunt lifts her head from the guy whose hair she was buzzing and greets me as well.

"Here, have a cookie!" Gabriel smiles brightly at me as I take a seat next to a middle-aged woman, waiting for a haircut.

I take one, returning his smile. He's one of those people that are just easy to talk to. Always friendly and open with his feelings.

"So this is your nephew," the brunette sitting next to me speaks up just as Gabriel returns back to his work.

"Yes," Zora answers, her eyes focused on the customer in front of her.

"Such a handsome boy!" The woman smiles at me. "I have a daughter around your age. How old are you?"

"17," I answer shyly.

One of the reasons why I don't like visiting my aunt at work is that her customers always ask about my age, favourite subjects at school, whether or not I have a girlfriend already... and most of the time they know a girl my age they want to introduce me to. I already know where this conversation is going before it has even started.

"My daughter is 16," the woman continues. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"A boyfriend," I mumble, glancing at the magazines, arranged on the coffee table in front of us. Nothing new. I've browsed through all of them already.

"Since when?!" Gabriel twists around to face me.

"Please, tell me it's not Emil!" Auntie rushes to my side with a trimmer in hand.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now