01 | Pool Party | Angel's POV

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I stand with my back to the disgustingly huge mansion and sip on my drink, a mix of vodka and apple juice. Drunken teenagers are dancing all around me. Believe it or not, some are even brave or intoxicated enough as to dip in the sizeable swimming pool in this chilly November night. Who throws a pool party in the middle of November? Dragomir Pavlov. That's who. One of the hottest guys in our school. Not my opinion. The girls have spoken. He actually ranks second, right after his best friend - Pavel, and Kasim being a close third.

I shamelessly stare at the golden couple dancing - Pavel and Marina. They've been dating for merely a week and their fans are already picking out wedding rings. If I have to be completely honest, they suit each other. Both of them have golden blond hair and killer bodies, not a single pimple on their flawless skin. Pavel is sporting jade green eyes, while Marina's are ocean blue. I truly can not decide which one of them I fancy more. They've been present in my jumbled dreams more than once, sometimes the both of them at a time. I imagine myself squished between them, the way they're brazenly grinding on each other. Pavel's hand is caressing Marina's thighs, slipping under her mini skirt, and I wish it was my butt he was fondling.

Not much further from the pool, Kasim and Teo are playing a game of beer pong, with Kasim on the lead. The birthday boy is following the game with a disinterested expression on his face and a red party cup in hand. All three of them have short dark brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. Drago's hair is darker though, almost black. His sun kissed skin is gleaming with sweat under the dim lit patio, his biceps bulging with the way he crosses his arms in front of his chest. He crumples the paper cup in his hand and throws it behind his shoulder, his gorgeous brown eyes meeting mine. Did he notice I was watching him? There's a sea of people dividing us and yet I have the feeling I'm the one he's looking at. I take a sip of my drink and coyly smile at him, hoping my black lipstick hasn't smeared. My heart frantically beats in my chest. Is my eyeliner still at place? Is my hair ok? Too late to check now.

Why am I so self-conscious all of a sudden? It's only Drago Pavlov, second hottest boy in the whole school. And he's looking at me. Me!

My teenage heart threatens to run out of my ribcage. Should I go to him? Or wait for him to approach me?

It must be the alcohol in my fragile system giving me courage, because next thing I know it, I'm walking straight towards him, effortlessly making my way through a string of sweaty teenage bodies.

I move next to him, not paying attention to the drunken boys trying to land a ball in the few cups of beer they have left on the table.

"Happy birthday," I say, barely hearing my own voice over the music.

His chestnut brown eyes train on mine. "Thanks, dude."

"I saw you watching me." I feel braver than I've ever been before. It's so not my style to be so forward, so direct. Straight out hitting on him in front of his friends. His friends that are so drunk off their asses they probably won't remember anything in the morning but still... I scare myself with how cocky I sound.

"Well, you were watching me too," he responds and this single line gives me wings to achieve the impossible.

"Hmm, true." I try to play it cool. Through my mind rush a thousand scenarios of how I whisk him away from the crowd and have my way with him. He's intoxicated enough to go along with it, even if he shrugs it off as a one-in-a-lifetime experience and never mentions it again. What am I doing? We barely exchanged a few sentences and I'm already painting our future together. A very short, brief future but still... Maybe...

"You enjoying the party?" He asks.

"Yeah, I haven't been at your house before," I answer as I take another sip of my almost empty cup. Now is his chance to be a good host and show me around. And he does. Just like I imagined it in my head a few seconds ago.

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