34 | Biology | Angel's POV

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I sit in Biology class, actually discussing with Alejo what we'll do for our presentation. I haven't even started working on my essay yet but I could at least do the part we'll both be working on together. After the fiasco at Chemistry, I can't afford to have yet another D. Or worse: an F.

We agree to have a study session on Saturday to smooth the edges and I lean back in my seat, content that I did something today.

Now is the time to check what's new on insta. Oh, what do you know? My boyfriend followed me!

Boyfriend. I'm yet to get used to calling him that. It's my first relationship ever. I feel like I'm jumping into deep waters without even a floating ring in sight.

And we've been on like, what? One date? This needs to change.

I search for fun date ideas on the internet but when I see stuff like sky diving or bungee jumping on the list I kinda hesitate to read further.

Hm, how about bowling? That might be fun!

Rock climbing? Nah. No way!

Or we could just take a bite somewhere?

Ice skating? Nah, by the end of it my nose will be a bloody puddle!

Take a walk in the park? Wouldn't I look like a cheapskate if I pick that?

Hiking? I'm not the sporty type. But he might like it?

Or should I choose something that involves water?

He's a swimmer after all.

There's actually an aquarium a few towns over. But I don't even have a driver's license. Or a car. And going by bus isn't all that romantic.

Take him to the beach?

That's actually perfect! And there wouldn't be any people at this time of year so we can make do a picnic or something!

"Mr. Dobrev, I see you're on your phone again," the teacher's voice booms through the room.

I regard Mr. Daskalov with my undivided attention, the deer caught in headlights look plastered on my face. I slowly and carefully put the phone down, not daring to break eye contact.

"If you're so busy, you don't even need to listen to the lesson, maybe you already know all about recombinant DNA."


"Why don't you stand in front of the class and explain everyone what genetic recombination is?"

This bloody fucker!

I stand up, taking my time, feeling like the last idiot on planet Earth... I straighten my spine and take the few steps required to face my classmates. I glance at the teacher, hands in pockets, my head tilted to the side... "Genetic recom-what?"

"Recombination. Can you tell us what that is?"

I actually take a few seconds to think about it, even though nothing rings a bell... "Uhm, nope."

"And yet you spend your time on your phone."


Mr. Daskalov continues with the lesson while I stand there like a statue.

Drago tries to subdue my anxiety with a sympathetic smile.

I smile back and move to take my seat again.

"Did I say you can sit?" The teacher's angry voice stops me in my tracks.

Obviously not!

"Nope?" I say, frozen mid-step.

"Come back here!"

I stroll back to my previous position, shoulders slouched forward.

"Clearly, you won't learn unless I keep you away from that phone of yours. And I'm sick and tired of confiscating it at every period you have with me just to give it back again at the end of the day. So... this time we're doing something different. You're to stand right there until I'm done with the lesson, understood?"

"Yes," I answer, my throat feeling dry.

The bloody bastard moves on with the lesson, talking something about chimeric DNA or palindromic sequences or whatever. I don't pay much attention. I focus on Drago's chestnut brown eyes instead. They remind me of hot chocolate and warm winter nights, spent in front of the fireplace.

I bloody hate Biology!

After the teacher is finally done with the bloody lesson, he calls me to himself, a bored and tired look on his middle-aged face.

He gives me a short lecture on responsibilities and other crap like that... "And just because of that attitude of yours I would expect your essay to be at least 700 words, instead of the 300 limit I set for everyone else." Bloody sadist!

I nod in confirmation that I understood, doing my best not to strangle him.

"If you fail this assignment, do not expect a passing grade."

I feel myself deflate more and more.

The bloody bastard has the audacity to sigh in disappointment before letting me go!

"I bloody hate Biology!" I groan as I collapse in my boyfriend's arms.

He's exactly what the doctor prescribed. Dependable and reassuring. The anchor to my boat. He keeps my anxiety at bay.

I love this guy!


Thank you for reading so far!

If you have any date ideas for our boys Drago and Angel, now is the time to share ;) 

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now