20 | Coming Out | Drago's POV

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I take a bite of my miso chicken, feeling like one. After coming out at school and having to deal with Goran's snide remarks, I no longer have the confidence required to come out to my family. Truth be told, we don't even like each other. The only member of my family I actually get along with is Natalia and we aren't even blood-related.

My grandfather sits at the head of the table, with Natalia on his left and me on his right, my usually absent father seated right next to me. It almost feels like we're a real family. Almost.

"I had lunch with Zlatan Tomov today," my grandfather breaks the silence. It takes me a while to figure out he's referring to Pavel's father.

"How is he?" My father's eyes lit up. "I haven't seen him in ages!"

"Maybe if you didn't travel so much, you would have seen each other more often." Filip regards his son with a cold glare before directing his gaze to me. Uh-oh, I'm in trouble! "Anyway, I've learned something rather interesting from him," my grandfather continues as I swallow my half-chewed bite trying not to cough it up. Water never seemed more appealing before. I shakily reach for the glass, avoiding Filip's eyes. "Do you have any idea what that might be?"

I gulp down half a glass of water before putting it down on the table and braving a "No" as a response. What did this idiot rat me out about? He's not stupid enough to tell his father I'm gay, is he?

"Apparently someone had a lover's quarrel at the mall this weekend." I freeze. "With another boy. Don't you think I should be informed that my own grandson is gay? Instead of hearing it from my business associates?"

I do not dare look him in the eye. "S-sorry," I mutter, clutching at my chopsticks.

"Is it the same boy I saw at your birthday? What was his name? Angel."


"And I had to learn that from Zlatan Tomov of all people. This nouveau riche carpetbagger!" Filip huffs and continues with his meal.

I've lost all appetite. I can sense his eyes boring into me, expecting a reaction different from the timid 'Yes' I gave him, but what can I say? My grandfather could be really scary sometimes. Well, most of the time. Especially if Natalia isn't around to pacify him.

I dare a glance at her.

"Well, congratulations on coming out, I guess." Her pretty red lips form an awkward smile.

It's definitely not how I imagined I would tell them. Heck, I haven't even said anything!

"So..." My father braves to speak up. "Are you gay or... bisexual maybe?"

"I have no idea how both my son and my grandson turned out to be fairies," Filip grumbles. "Who will continue the family line now?"

Wait, my father what? I turn to him, surprise obvious in my eyes.

"You have one more grandson, you know," my father says.

"What?!" I gape at him. "Sofia is pregnant?"

He looks down at his plate in shame. "Actually, your brother will turn four next month."

"WHAT?!" I whip my head to look at both men in my life with equal amount of betrayal. "And you didn't think the existence of my own brother is important enough to inform me about it?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you but every time I mention it your grandad gets defensive." Ivo, my treacherous father, grabs my hand in what is meant to be a comforting gesture.

I don't know what to think right now. I have a half-brother?

"How could you NOT tell me about it? Don't you think I deserve to know my own brother?!" I raise my voice with each sentence. "And you were mad at me for not telling you that I'm gay?" I stand up and turn towards Filip who is surprisingly silent all of a sudden. "What the fudge is wrong with you people?!"

I don't feel the tears streaming down my face until I'm halfway up the stairs to my room.

I slam the door and crash on my bed, letting out a desperate scream in one of the pillows.

Things were going so well! I got my very first boyfriend, my classmates accepted me... But my fudging family had to go ahead and ruin everything as always! I hate my life! Why can't I have a normal family? I would trade all the toys and gadgets in the world for a loving mother and a father that is actually there when you need him.

I've never even seen my mother. She left shortly after I was born, the money Filip gave her more valuable than her own child. 30 000 euro! This was my market price according to her!

When your own mother is willing to sell you out for money and your father doesn't give a fudging shit about you, what is a kid supposed to do? Before Natalia came along I had no one!

Natalia. She knew as well. She knew and kept silent. Fudging traitor!

How could they not tell me I have a baby brother? Am I not a part of this family? Were they just looking for someone to replace me with? Am I not good enough?

After thoroughly soaking my pillow with bitter tears, I lift my head up and search for my phone. It's in the pocket where I always keep it but for some reason, it takes me a while to remember that.

I choose Teo's contact with trembling fingers, my cheeks still wet from crying all the frustration out.

"Hello!" Just the sound of his cheerful voice is enough to make me feel better.

"Hey, c-could you come over?"

"Drago, what's wrong? Didn't they take it well?"

"Just... I need someone to hold me right now." I start sobbing again even though my eyes have dried out.

"I'm on my way! Everything will be ok, man!" He tries to reassure me through the phone while I hear something crash on his end of the line. "I'll be right there!" His voice is worried, edgy, but for some reason this comforts me.

Someone cares.

I'm not totally alone.


At this point the story has more or less formed in my mind so hopefully you'll find it interesting. Any thoughts and comments are welcome!

And please, vote if you liked a chapter ;)

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora