14 | Pain | Angel's POV

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I try to get up but an agonising pain I've never felt before surges through my legs. My arms hurt too but it's not nearly as bad. In fact, my whole body is in pain. And it gets worse when I move so I just lie in my bed sprawled like a jellyfish, hoping it would go away.

It doesn't.

"Drago, you bastard!" I groan.

If I feel like this after every workout session with him, it's not worth the effort. I rather stay skinny. Who needs muscle anyway?

I don't even attempt to turn off my alarm, letting the song play all the way through.

At night
Hanging around
If this is a must
Then dying is a must right now

I close my eyes and sigh, trying to relax. I'm not moving a single muscle today! It sounds like a challenge but I can last a day without food or... Bloody Hell, I need to pee!

I slide off my bed as slowly as possible, aiding with my arms. The covers entangle in my feet so when I finally manage to drag myself to the end of the bed and sit up I have to bend over and free my legs of their prison, which results in even more pain.

Never again!

I push my body up, oh so slowly, and take a step towards my end goal. It will be a long walk.


"Angel, why aren't you at school?" Auntie asks as she enters the living room.

"I'm not going," I sigh.

Somehow I managed to do my business and get back in bed. I'm not moving again!

"You can't just skip school whenever you feel like it," Zora starts with the lecture. "Education is the key to success..."

"Nope, you can't make me."

"Angel!" She tries with a firmer tone.



"No such guy."

After a few minutes of nagging she finally lets me do my thing, which is absolutely nothing, ALL day long. My favourite hobby.

I drift off to sleep while my aunt drinks her coffee with a disapproving scowl on her face. But I can't always do what is expected of me. I need to be at least a little bit selfish from time to time.


I wake up by my sister slamming a pan in the kitchen. She did it on purpose. I just know.

"Aw, did I wake you? I'm sorry!" Svetla mocks me.

I wipe the sleep off my eyes and look blankly at her smug smile.

"I smell eggs."

"Do you now? I wonder why." She taps her chin in thought.

"I wouldn't refuse breakfast in bed, you know." I smile as sweetly as I possibly could.

"Get up, you lazy ass!" She narrows her eyes at me.

"Please?" I give her my best puppy face that hasn't worked on her in years but there's no harm trying.

"Nope, if you want breakfast, you're getting out of bed! We spoil you too much," she says as she hides from my line of vision.

I groan as I crawl out of bed, my muscles throbbing in pain. I curse Drago in my mind once again and move towards the kitchen. There, on the kitchen table, there's a plate of freshly baked egg muffins. I try to sit but think better of it and attack the plate, still standing.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now