09 | Coffee Date | Drago's POV

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I go after Angel as soon as the class ends but not without some obstacles. First, Goran stops me to invite me to karaoke later on, like it wasn't the only thing they were chewing over in the group chat. Then Olga hangs on my neck, asking for my Chemistry notes. And just when I'm about to approach my Angel, Alejo distracts him with the fudging Biology project!

"Drago? Won't you come with us?" Teo turns to me as they exit the classroom.

"No, I'll hang with him." I point towards Angel, who is still talking with Alejo.

"Oh, ok." Teo's smile drops as he turns to catch up with the rest of the boys.

Angel gathers his stuff and stands up, one of his earbuds still securely attached to his ear.

"Lets go!" He gives me this wicked smile of his that makes my heart flutter.

We leave school together as he hums a melody I haven't heard before.

"What are you listening to?"

"Uh? Oh, sorry. It's Black Veil Brides. Wanna hear?" He asks passing me the earphone hanging from his neck.

I look at it as if it's about to bite me but place it in my ear anyway.

There's a not so annoying guitar solo and then a pleasant male vocal starts singing.

Will we live?
Will we die?
Just keep on saving our goodbyes

Hm, not bad. Not bad at all.

We walk slowly towards the café. The song ends and the same silky voice resonates through another catchy tune.

All we know is time
That's slipping from our lives

"That guy is good," I comment.

"Yeah, he's awesome!" Angel almost cheers as he says this.

I'm forced to hand him back the earpiece as we enter the café or else we won't fit through the door.

I often come here with my friends during lunch so I'm not at all surprised when I see two of my classmates sitting at a table in the far corner. It's Victoria and that red-head boy. I think his name was Lazar or something?

I choose a table as further away from them as possible. After all, I wouldn't want for anyone to disturb our date. Or at least I hope it's a date. Should I have told him it's a date? We already slept together. What else could it be?

I order a coffee and some orange juice while Angel opts for the blueberry tea. I personally haven't tried it but by the way he nearly purrs after taking a sip, I'm guessing it's good.

I try to fill the silence by explaining him my workout routine. I could tell he isn't interested but it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Are you planning to go pro?" He asks. "Compete in the Summer Olympics and such."

And I'm pleasantly surprised he even knows that such an event exists. If there's something I've noticed, it's that he isn't into any kind of sports. At all.

"I'm not even half-way there yet. My personal record for 100 meters backstroke is 58.17 seconds..." I humbly list my achievements while Angel rewards me with a polite but bored smile.

We spend most of the time with me talking and Angel occasionally throwing a 'Hm' or 'Sure'. I do manage to learn, however, that he plans to apply to the National Academy of Arts after graduation.

I like that he's driven towards a specific goal but it makes me feel somewhat useless. Despite all of my achievements in various fields, I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. If I keep being so indecisive, I might really go for a business major at the end, just like my father and my grandfather before him.

"I've been thinking..." Angel finally mutters more than a few words and I pause in anticipation. "I might actually start working out. You know, to tone up a little. Gain some muscle mass. Maybe you could show me a few exercises. Something that wouldn't require a gym membership."

He can literally search for 'bodyweight workouts' online and get a million results. I don't tell him that though. "Yeah, of course," I provide instead. "I would be happy to train you. How about tomorrow after school?"

He makes a displeased face but agrees anyway.

"I have a gym at home so we could meet there and use my equipment." I just now remember about the room I only use on rainy days. I've always preferred public gyms. That way I get to meet new people, hang out with the guys... Working out by myself is boring.

"Oh, ok. Cool." Angel looks taken aback by my offer but I don't let it bother me.

He glances at his phone, looks around and awkwardly waves at the waitress.

"May we have the check, please?" He asks the girl as she comes to our table.

"Yes, of course!" She smiles sweetly at us and spins around.

"Do you want to come over?" I ask.

"No, I still haven't studied for that Chemistry test we have tomorrow."

Did I say something wrong? What did I do? Why is he leaving? It certainly isn't to study for the stupid test!

I lean over the table and whisper, "You do like me, right? It wasn't a one-time thing?"

"I like you," he says and I breathe out in relief. "But... I don't think it will work, man."

"What do you mean?"

The waitress returns with our check and I pay up in a daze. Is he dumping me? No, we weren't dating to begin with. But I want to! And I always get what I want.

"I mean," he continues once the waitress is out of earshot, "no offence, but I don't see myself dating some rich kid I have absolutely nothing in common with. And I'm not even mentioning the fact you're still in the closet."

"And you aren't?"

"Not really. Look, we could still hook up from time to time. Maybe even hang out sometimes. As friends," he clarifies.

"So basically... you mean I'm good enough to be your fuck buddy but I don't qualify for the boyfriend position?" I ask, feeling my heart crack.

"Yeah, you could say it like that... It's just... you're popular and rich..."

"Last time I checked those were positive qualities."

"Not for me. At this point at least. Sorry, man."

He stands to leave and I grab his hand.

"We could still hang out tomorrow, right?" I sound pathetic, I know. But I don't want to let him go.

"No strings attached," he says.

I nod, looking up in his deep brown eyes. I try to speak but there's a lump in my throat.

"See ya." He frees himself from my touch. Or did I let him go? All I know is, where his hand was, now it's only air.

The café seems depressingly empty without him.

I sit stupefied, trying to make sense of it all. So he likes me but not enough to be my boyfriend? And obviously having rich parents is a bad thing now? Or friends. Does he want to be the only person in my life?

I vaguely register the waitress' wide eyes as I make my move to leave the place. Was she eavesdropping? Do I care?

I breathe in the cold air outside and start walking home. Only half-way through I decide I don't actually feel like going back to my empty room and I change directions towards Kasim's place instead. That's where my friends said they will be at and I certainly need the distraction.



1. Black Veil Brides - Scarlet Cross

2. Black Veil Brides - Wake Up


A/N: At this point I don't even know what I'm thinking or what my characters are supposed to be thinking. Does this make sense? Yes? No? Maybe? Purr-haps? Who knows? Not me for sure :D

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now